Help with light cycle.

Hey I have three plants that are 12 days old, and I have been growing them on a 24/7 light cycle ever since they popped out of the soil. When should I change the cycle? And to what? 18/6? Or what? Help me out if you can, thanks.


Well-Known Member
personallly i do 24/7 for about 2/3 weeks then drop to 18/6. this helps with electricity bills and imo allows the plant have 'relax' time ( this is an constant debate isssue so its up to yourself) it also allows for heat problems to be sorted if thats an issue. but u can do 24/7 till flower time.
ok well im already 2 weeks in
so another week or two of 24/7? then after that i drop to 18/6, but how long do i stay 18/6 for?


Well-Known Member
as long as you want to its still vegging, But i guess your asking when i go from 24/0 to 18/6 to 12/12 flower. Well there is no real need to slowly progress into 12/12 people say it helps reduce stress on the plant but you could go from 24/0 to 12/12

and for an answer i guess a week or less


Well-Known Member
ur veggin cycle is totally up to urseslf, i personally go by height of plant due to the fact that u usually have limited height space. when u change from veg to flower ur plant will at least double in height and possibly treble so take that into consideration. i usually do 24/7 for two weeks then 18/6 for around 4/5 weeks , at this point mi plant is around 24" in height and then put into fflower. my total height limit is around 6 foot.
thanks dura, i think im gonna do what you do
right now my plants are 12 days and they are only about 4/5inches tall, does that seem small?
heres some pictures STA73430.JPGSTA73435.JPGSTA73429.JPGSTA73433.JPGSTA73436.JPGSTA73434.JPGSTA73437.JPGSTA73432.JPGSTA73431.JPGSTA73438.JPG

thats my whole setup right there and my 3 plants. i just took those pics today. hows it looking for a 12 day plant?


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil is that? doesn't look too good from the pics. Could be why they are little small.
its just some cheap soil i got from the store
and the soil in the white pot is all natural soil and that one seems to be growing he fastest


Well-Known Member
soil choice is truly up to the individual, ahv heard a power of bullshit on the subject. many yanks like foxfarm many brits use westalnds or miracle gro, theres also a multitude of expensive complex mixes. its all fuckin crap. theres no real difference ,: u may pull an extra half oz or so with pissing around. i use miracle gro but a lotta ppl dont like it coz they tend to try to feed a plant/soil that doesnt need it and fry their plants.. use a basic soil, mixed with perlite/vermiculite and watch the colour of ur plant laeves. if they go pale they need feed. dont ever assume uv got to be a botanist to grow grass. and the shit most companys try to sell u is fuckin crap. this game is easy but too many folk want to play at expert.


Well-Known Member
it kinda looks to me( and ur pix arent to clear) that ur soil is a bit too wet. dont water ur plants at this point, jist get a sprayer and wet the foliage. allow them to stretch there roots lokin for water, it makes them stronger in the long run. ur plants are lookin fine. wot kinda lite u using?
i haven't watered em since saturday actually
and im using two 40w cool white tubes and one 26w cfl light bulb i think u can see them in the picture
(ya i know its not much light but im hoping i can get a long with this)


Well-Known Member
soil choice is truly up to the individual, ahv heard a power of bullshit on the subject. many yanks like foxfarm many brits use westalnds or miracle gro, theres also a multitude of expensive complex mixes. its all fuckin crap. theres no real difference ,: u may pull an extra half oz or so with pissing around. i use miracle gro but a lotta ppl dont like it coz they tend to try to feed a plant/soil that doesnt need it and fry their plants.. use a basic soil, mixed with perlite/vermiculite and watch the colour of ur plant laeves. if they go pale they need feed. dont ever assume uv got to be a botanist to grow grass. and the shit most companys try to sell u is fuckin crap. this game is easy but too many folk want to play at expert.
there is a big difference in soils. You don't have to buy an expensive name brand. But you do need some that is loose and not too compact. Some that has some organice matter in it. If you just go buy cheap top soil for $1 a bag you are not going to get anywhere near the growth you will get with a bag of loose $3 potting soil with some organic matter and perlite in it to keep it loose. That just looks like plain top soil which is worthless for growing potted plants in.


Well-Known Member
u can use any lite u want but the results wil reflect the tools. i use hps. 2 x 600 hps in onechamber and 2 x 400 hps in 2 separate chambers. its ur own choice.


I am beginning to research how 24/0 lighting leads to the increase in males,I jus did this very thing out of my last grow. 12 plants and 2 were females, reading how 14/10 is the best way to go. Any input is apreciated if any one has information about increasing the female to male ratio