175W HPS Closet grow


Well-Known Member
Damn... really hard to get some attention on this forum huh :\

I really need some personal opinons about what you guys think... anyone? and no one has answered my questions yet :|


Well-Known Member
Which questions are those bro?

I was wondering about stressing my plant into hermy... on purpose.. for seeds!

Is this a good idea? Will it work without affecting the genetics in a negative way? Basically.... are there any downsides to this? if so, what and why?

Oh! and what you think of my plant of course:eyesmoke:

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
About how to force a Hermie? I've heard of this being attributed to high levels of stress of all kinds. You can stress through fluctuating your temps out of the normal operating range. You can cause physical stress, by tying down branches and limbs; & you can also set your fan to blow directly on your plants to blow leaves a little more violently than normal. Messing up your light schedule will also put tremendous amounts of stress to a plant as well... Not really sure what thus would do to your plant, in terms of bud production/yield but this is a few things I know to stay away from if your not looking to cause stress to your ladies. Hope this helps.!.!.!


Well-Known Member
About how to force a Hermie? I've heard of this being attributed to high levels of stress of all kinds. You can stress through fluctuating your temps out of the normal operating range. You can cause physical stress, by tying down branches and limbs; & you can also set your fan to blow directly on your plants to blow leaves a little more violently than normal. Messing up your light schedule will also put tremendous amounts of stress to a plant as well... Not really sure what thus would do to your plant, in terms of bud production/yield but this is a few things I know to stay away from if your not looking to cause stress to your ladies. Hope this helps.!.!.!

Thanks for the info,+rep. I think ill skip it then. But its pretty sad knowing that i may possibly never have another chance to get another clone of this, and even sadder knowing that I found the most incredible bud, (in my opinion of course) was able to grow it, and let it slip right out of my hands. I would kill for some seeds of this... just to keep it going, this is definitely not something i want to slip out of my hands, i never want to let this one go. Plus its even more tantalizing knowing that i could possibly be one of the lucky few to have this bud(its supposedly some rare strain from the 80's and was pretty much lost in history is what im told.. who knows if its true or not... But thats why you guys have to help me identify it!)

In a perfect dream world i would spend the rest of my days with this lady...I would still be growing this at 80yrs old knowing this is the true love of my life :P

P.S. On a side note i cant believe how busy(and BIG) this forum has become...I used to love it here because it was always a relatively small/helpful community with some talented people. Could always find great help and information on the drop of a dime. Now its absolutely HUUUUUUUGE,(almost TOO big) I update my post and within minutes it drops three even four pages back ... within MINUTES. Very hard to get people to pay attention to your questions/threads/grows unless you're a well known member. Its crazy, I cannot believe how big RIU has become.(Good for them, bad for me! and all the other little guys too) I guess it has its ups and downs tho..


Well-Known Member
Also I've been having issues with my older fan leaves starting to feel crispy.. I'm really stumped on this one, maybe its a little too warm in there?

P.S. Heres a couple extra pics i meant to upload the other day



Well-Known Member
Not that anyone will read this or give a crap, but im abandoning this thread.. waste of time when no one is paying attention. This forum is just a wee bit too busy for me. Thanks to the guys who were able to help me out, and thanks for lookin.. i gave ya all +rep

RIU has been good to me, i've learned a great deal of knowledge.. but shes just too big for me, guess shes just outgrown me. goodluck guys over and out


Tobad this was a sick grow with a sick looking plant with a interesting back story. Frosty ass snow queen to.


Well-Known Member
Tobad this was a sick grow with a sick looking plant with a interesting back story. Frosty ass snow queen to.

Too bad this forum went to hell... In my opinion i feel like all the veterans are gone (or hiding?) and the forum is filled with newbies.. No offense to any newbie growers as i still consider myself one, but we need the veterans to teach us right from wrong! where are you all hiding!?!?!?!?!?!


Stressing the plant to hermie would definitely have an effect on bud production, however if this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grab some seeds from it, I'd say go for it.

From Cannabis.com:

So i got a a bunch of seeds from a great plant gone hermie. i've heard they will all be female, is this too good to be true?
Nope, a hermie female can only make gametes with XX chromosomes so it's true! There's no possibility of a XY combination!

is ths why i've had females with any bagseed and half males when getting them from a seedbank?
Yup- commercial growers don't typically keep males around so any stray pollen is more than likely from a hermie female.

if they are feminized, i wonder if they will be more likely hermie too?
Yes. They will produce male sex parts under similar conditions to the mother. So if the commercial grower ran hot and got hermies, if you run hot you can expect them too


Well-Known Member
Beautiful girlz!

Nice work. I'm particularly interested if this truly is Williams Wonder.
All signs point to yes... sorta :) Supposedly williams wonder originated in, or around Oregon. (so i've heard) This is particularly interesting because the man whom I received the clone from told me that he brought it back from Washington (the state, not DC :P) around 15 years ago or so. Wellllllll what does this mean? Nothing really, but the state of Washington borders Oregon directly above it. So its basically just another piece of the puzzle... This is truly a mystery in the making. Will I ever uncover the hidden truth of the mystery plant ? o0oo0o0ooo


Well-Known Member
All signs point to yes... sorta :) Supposedly williams wonder originated in, or around Oregon. (so i've heard) This is particularly interesting because the man whom I received the clone from told me that he brought it back from Washington (the state, not DC :P) around 15 years ago or so. Wellllllll what does this mean? Nothing really, but the state of Washington borders Oregon directly above it. So its basically just another piece of the puzzle... This is truly a mystery in the making. Will I ever uncover the hidden truth of the mystery plant ? o0oo0o0ooo
They could use some of this in Washington (DC, not the state ;P).

Thanks for the info. Keep investigating, Sherlock. :)