Calling all libs, take a shot at cuntdiane,$5

this really seems less like an attempt a political debate, and more of a way to draw attention to yourself.

Let the attention will only expose evil if something bad should happen to me.....

Schizophrenia, from the OpenDNS roots schizein (σχίζειν, "to split") and phrēn, phren- (φρήν, φρεν-, "mind"), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental illness characterized by impairments in the perception or expression of reality, most commonly manifesting as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions or disorganized speech and thinking in the context of significant social or occupational dysfunction. Onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood,[1] with approximately 0.4–0.6%[2][3] of the population affected. Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experiences and observed behavior. No laboratory test for schizophrenia exists.[4]

Eugen Bleuler (1857–1939) coined the term "Schizophrenia" in 1908

Cubs last won the world Series in 1908

Converse was started in 1908

YouTube - Converse "Pageant" Commercial

:joint::peace: Peace an I'm smokin, its almost 420....
stinks of hippie sex!
..and sounds like the mescaline is kickin in.

I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you.
[B said:
joepro[/B];485987]stinks of hippie sex!
..and sounds like the mescaline is kickin in.

I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right
, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you.

[B said:
joepro[/B];485987]stinks of hippie sex!
..and sounds like the mescaline is kickin in.
Kucinich, eh? Why? Let us debate.

Welp, it basically boils down to him and I having drastically similar beliefs. I remember way back when I took a sample quiz that asks you like 60 questions about different topics from abortion to war in Iraq. I lined up almost exactly with Kucinich (and the Dali Lama and Ghandi). He's pretty left wing, like me.
Here are some of the major topics we agree on.

Abortion rights - I am Pro Choice (actually, kinda, still wavering on this one... i recently learned aborted babies have fingernails...thank you Juno)
Stem Cell Research - For it
ANWR Drilling - against it
Kyoto - for it
Assault Weapons Ban - For it
Patriot Act - Against it
Torture - Against It
Wiretapping - Against it
Iraq Withdrawal - For it
Same-sex marriage - for it
Universal Healthcare - For it
Guantanamo - Against it
Welp, it basically boils down to him and I having drastically similar beliefs. I remember way back when I took a sample quiz that asks you like 60 questions about different topics from abortion to war in Iraq. I lined up almost exactly with Kucinich (and the Dali Lama and Ghandi). He's pretty left wing, like me.
Here are some of the major topics we agree on.

Abortion rights - I am Pro Choice
Stem Cell Research - For it
ANWR Drilling - against it
Kyoto - for it
Assault Weapons Ban - For it
Patriot Act - Against it
Torture - Against It
Wiretapping - Against it
Iraq Withdrawal - For it
Same-sex marriage - for it
Universal Healthcare - For it
Guantanamo - Against it

All right. Good stuff; for debating. I don't have the time, right this second, to fully respond, in a rational, civil manner. Its so much easier to hurl insults. I will address my feelings on the listed topics, in detail, just to show I'm not just a "stuffed shirt". Quickly though:

Abortion rights - I am Pro Choice States choice, I'm against it
Stem Cell Research - For it States choice, no federal funding
ANWR Drilling - against it Absolutely for it, and the outer shelf, etc etc
Kyoto - for it Absolutely against it
Assault Weapons Ban - For it States choice, I'm for it dep. on def. of AR
Patriot Act - Against it Absolutely for it
Torture - Against It Who are we/you to define torture
Wiretapping - Against it For it, as a measure of defense
Iraq Withdrawal - For it Absolutely against it
Same-sex marriage - for it States choice, against it
Universal Healthcare - For it Absolutely against it
Guantanamo - Against it[/quote] For it
Abortion rights - I am Pro Choice (actually, kinda, still wavering on this one... i recently learned aborted babies have fingernails...thank you Juno)

Wow, when the sperm and eggs nuclei fuse (Fusion). The first division, fingernails are present???

WOW, I was lost in Biology Enriched in High-school, when I learned about cell division...oh wait, 7th bad...

7th Grade, wrote an article on the Rainforests and why we need to save them for CURES to population controlled diseases.....

Guess in 7th Grade I was on Mars as a moonbat too, huh?

[]D[][]V[][]D;486061 said:
Why the hatred? Negativity...? I already uncovered a DEA agent posing as smoker, today.....

I have some bets on you could be.....either way, your one in the same person....


Wow, your really cool. I sure am glad there is someone like you looking out for the rest of us. Loser!