Want to grow some dank, only have schwag seeds


I'm growing, finally. So excited to finally get this journey on the road. I really am too broke to order some decent dank seeds, and I'm a little sketched about the "Watch List" and all of the paper trails.

So instead I collected the most viable-looking seeds I could find in some schwag bud. It's not disgusting.. but it's still marijuana, and I assume it's indica because of the high I get from smoking it. While typing this I remember some schwag I got before, that looked like typical schwag. But, it got me WAY high! I really enjoyed it to for some reason, since smoking 3 times a day is common and I never go a day without, I have a tolerance... but after a fat bowl of this I would be laying down listening to bob marley (too bad its seeds from another sac).

Btw we have no "mids" where I live. Nowhere; I find it odd. There is schwag (mersh) for $60 an ounce, or dank for $20 a gram.

I am wondering something. I've always been told these expensive seeds grow amazing dank, but typical bag seeds aren't any worse. Schwag is schwag not because of genetics, but because they leave in males (I've always wondered why!), and dry in in the sun and leave out the cure.... that's why it looks so ugly? I know these seeds probably won't be as potent as genetic monsters, but I'm going to do everything right.

Anyways, I'm wondering if it will be dank. I want a really fine product that I can show off once it's finished. They're in 1 gallons full of fox farms ocean forest, and look perfect... but I assume most seedlings do. I plan to keep them in there, get them vegged for a little over a month, and then flip on the flowering light cycle. As soon as I make out genders, I will kill the males, and transplant the remaining females into 5 gallons of the same soil. All in under a 400w MH/HPS


Active Member
I think you will get a respectable product. It will for sure be 100x better than the weed you found the seeds in.


Active Member
Ya you can grow alot better weed than it came in, genetics are alot but not everything. I think its good to start with bagseed for your first grow anyways. Just let it dry/cure long enough and it should come out pretty good


Damn bro, you seem just like me. I bet you most certainly did your research huh? I remember trying to grow, didn't work out cause of the circumstances where I live at. But I still got a bunch of these cali greens seeds sealed up here. I snagged a 1/4 of some decently grown cali greens from this year, and it's pretty badass. From the same seeds I have too.

Just goes to show you, it's in the genetics. You were right, somewhere along the line, they left males in there, or didnt grow it properly and then they hermied from stress. But them genetics is still all in the seeds. If you manage to get some females out of it (hopefully all, lol) you treat them right, they'll be waaaaaaaaaaaay better then the bud from which they came out of


Well-Known Member
sure the bud from a seed gotten from shitty bud will easily surpass the weed it came i, but that doesnt mean its the best possible weed their is out there. If you want to grow bagseed go ahead, youll do fine and sometimes you can find a diamond in the rough(a plant that does extremely well and/or has traits you want to be continued). Sometimes you get a bunch of genetic hermies. so you better keep your eyes on them real close throughout flowering. when it comes to ordering seeds its not a bid deal, they send you one of these. dont call them of course.


Yeah, without this community I would probably be hopeless. So much knowledge to be found! So, I decided to just give it a shot and hope that no hermies come out of it! I never thought about that. Afterall, hermaphrodite genes are probably common in schwag.


If it was 100x better then why arent we all growing bagseed?
Exaggeration [:. I remember my best friends brother used to have a Schwag plant before I smoked... and supposedly it came out 100x better than its neglected parents.


I haven't grown myself... but the bud my brother friend grew was schwag seed... and it was better than a lot of dank around here. Which is a lot better than schwag...

But I don't know myself, hopefully I can prove you wrong "slightly better".

From peoples' experience, how common are hermies?

and let me add something... I don't plan on doing anything for odor control... are my neighbors going to smell this from outside? Can I use active carbon without a vent? Is there anything similar I can just place in one corner of the closet to help get rid of some smell? I'm growing 4 plants :O.


As far as smell, I'm growing my first crop now and the 2 weeks into flowering the smell was starting to get to be pretty noticeable. The whole section of the house near the grow room started to smell, if I kept the door to the room closed and the windows open it was ok but it is getting cold and I couldn't keep doing that.

I wasn't sure what to do but sprang for one of the huge $100 active charcoal tubes and put a couple high flow computer fans on top of it to suck air out and put a handful of potpourri in the tube. Didn't bother venting it or anything and in less than a day there was zero smell except a hint of the potpuorri stuff.

Basically I would recommend some form of odor control, otherwise even if it might not smell outside it will make your whole house stink.