600w MH/HPS LST grow journal: the cheese PICS


Well-Known Member
Looks good, lst looks roughly how i'd do it too. Its not really that hard, people just don't think about it. All you're doing is getting as many growth tips as the same height as possible.

And yes, do not ever cut off fan leaves. You can move them and fold them under branches (as long as you dont rip them), but cutting them off is completely counter productive.
Ya it ended up being much easier than I had expected it to be and the difference between my LST grow and my last grow is insane! I can already see where the colas are going to form and theyre all growing at the same rate as opposed to one shooting up and the others falling behind. I dont think ill ever go back! Thanks for the input nizmo definitely appreciate it. Seems everyone is in agreement over the trimming lol but thats why I love RUI , its the holy grail for knowledge!

Anybody have an opinion on foliar feeding? Im thinking I might try it out for the last week or so of veg..


Well-Known Member
they way you are tying down is just fine, be care full though when switching to flower you will end up with big bushes but that is not always a bad thing.
as far as foiler feeding goes well i used to do it but never saw a great dereference in growth so i stopped. the only time i did foiler feed is to help a deficiency clear up or when i had a nute lock out so i tried to get nutes to the plant through the leafs. but you should try it out and see if you like it or not. just go easy with the nutes in the spray bottle so it does not burn the leafs


Well-Known Member
Andy Irons, a personal hero of mine and many others, passed away on his way home from an ASP tourny in Puerto Rico.. He was arguably one of the greatest surfers of all time and pipe will never be the same without him. My condolences to his family and friends, he will be missed. Honor and respect


Well-Known Member
they way you are tying down is just fine, be care full though when switching to flower you will end up with big bushes but that is not always a bad thing.
as far as foiler feeding goes well i used to do it but never saw a great dereference in growth so i stopped. the only time i did foiler feed is to help a deficiency clear up or when i had a nute lock out so i tried to get nutes to the plant through the leafs. but you should try it out and see if you like it or not. just go easy with the nutes in the spray bottle so it does not burn the leafs
Ill hopefully have enough space for them to get as bushy as they need to! So I tried foliar feeding and I dont know if it neccessarily made a difference or not but I think ill keep doing it, I figure if it helps even a small amount its worth the five minutes it takes me to spray them. Im only using about a 1/4 of the nutes I use when watering so hopefully no burn!


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics I took this morning. I cant wait to start flowering these girls, they've got at minimum 20 main bud sites each!
Cheese 1
Cheese 4a.jpg

Cheese 2
Cheese 2a.jpg

Heres a pic of all 6 girls. The front left is the first plant Ive been taking pics of and the front right is the second


Well-Known Member
Foliar feeding is a waste of time in my opinion. Never done it, and can't imagine any time i would ever need to.

Plants take up water and nutrients from the roots, i never saw the point in spraying them especially if you have high powered lights hovering above them.


Well-Known Member
Foliar feeding is a waste of time in my opinion. Never done it, and can't imagine any time i would ever need to.

Plants take up water and nutrients from the roots, i never saw the point in spraying them especially if you have high powered lights hovering above them.
if you have anute lock out or a def. it is very good to foiler feed that way it gets nutes still but ya ive never seen a great difference


Well-Known Member
Nice!! what size tent is that? 4x4?
Yup! 4x4x7 I love my tent so much better than the closet I was using on my last grow haha

they are lookin great, dont let them get to wide or they will be crowded in flower
Thanks mcpurple! Ya I was going to veg another week or two but I dont think ill have the room if I do. Im switching to 12/12 friday or saturday! so stoked haha.

Foliar feeding is a waste of time in my opinion. Never done it, and can't imagine any time i would ever need to.
Plants take up water and nutrients from the roots, i never saw the point in spraying them especially if you have high powered lights hovering above them.
To be honest I havent really seen much of a difference since I started foliar feeding so I think im just going to feed every other watering. Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
I did some LST tonight, Im not trying to stretch them out across their pots anymore and have started trying to create a perfectly even canopy (or as close as I can get) Ive decided to start flowering this weekend to avoid overcrowding and I can hardly wait! Im like a kid on chrismas eve its almost unbearable to wait a whole 3 days haha. If anybody has pics of their LST grow id love to see them feel free to post them on my thread!

Cheese 1
Cheese 4a.jpg Cheese 4b.jpg

Cheese 2
Cheese 2a.jpg Cheese 2b.jpg

My canopy!



Well-Known Member
Took some pics this morning and the girls are looking happy as ever! Im debating whether or not to start flowering tonight, theyre definitely ready to start and their canopy has evened out nicely from the last LST I did so im leaning towards switching to 12/12. Plus Im pretty excited to start using my new 600w MH sunpulse bulb for flowering (rated at 3000k and designed specifically for digital ballasts; supposed to be better than the eyehortilux HPS so we'll see :-P)

Cheese 1
Cheese 4a.jpgCheese 4b.jpg

Cheese 2
Cheese 2a.jpgCheese 2b.jpg

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon 11-4-10 a.jpgPurple Dragon 11-4-10 b.jpg

The canopy
Canopy all 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
you could very well flower to night if you wanted, they are looking great. and MH for flower im gonna look up that bulb and see what its about, i dont think ive heard of it before. does it just have a broader light spectrum


Well-Known Member
you could very well flower to night if you wanted, they are looking great. and MH for flower im gonna look up that bulb and see what its about, i dont think ive heard of it before. does it just have a broader light spectrum
I had never heard of using MH either and when a friend told me about sunpulse bulbs I was definitely skeptical at first. Once I did some research though it seems to be legit. The bulbs are supposedly a better fit to the spectrum the plant needs during certain stages of development. Apparently a majority of light HPS bulbs emit has an irradiance level much higher than what the plant can actually absorb so the plant has to waste some of its energy managing this. The MH bulb from sunpulse emits much closer to the ideal level of irradiance and supposedly mimics the suns natural spectrum better than HPS. Could be a bunch of BS but a lot of the reading ive done is pretty convincing. Check out their site, theres some good info on the subject. Thanks for the comment!

Heres their website http://www.sunpulselamps.com/.


Well-Known Member
if you have anute lock out or a def. it is very good to foiler feed that way it gets nutes still but ya ive never seen a great difference
The thing is though if you have a nutrient deficiency then you would correct it at the soil level by changing you feeding schedule and what your feeding it because thats where your problem lies. You want to fix the problem at its source. I mean unless your plant is on the verge of death and you don't have time to correct the soil i just don't see that it is nessassary.

Ive decided to start flowering this weekend to avoid overcrowding
Don't worry too much about over crowding, i'd rather have an overcrowding problem (which can easily be resolved) than regretting not waiting another week. Looking at those pictures, if it were me i'd wait another week before switching over. You will be glad you did at harvest time because another week in veg will result in a shitload more bud.


Well-Known Member
The thing is though if you have a nutrient deficiency then you would correct it at the soil level by changing you feeding schedule and what your feeding it because thats where your problem lies. You want to fix the problem at its source. I mean unless your plant is on the verge of death and you don't have time to correct the soil i just don't see that it is nessassary.

Don't worry too much about over crowding, i'd rather have an overcrowding problem (which can easily be resolved) than regretting not waiting another week. Looking at those pictures, if it were me i'd wait another week before switching over. You will be glad you did at harvest time because another week in veg will result in a shitload more bud.
ya but if fed though leafs and the soil it is taking in more and could fix it faster witch in the end would be better for the plant and the grower.
and as for over growth well it can cause probs, it can cause shade to other leafs that need it, and mold, ive had over crowded grow room and the leafs would sit on each other and at the point of contact it would be wet and that is bad cuz it can cause mold or PM. once he flowers i think they will be a perfect size. and how would you resolve over crowding? by cutting fan leafs?
in the end when he wants to flower is really up to him, bigger plants does not in a lot of cases mean more bud


Well-Known Member
Took some pics this morning and the girls are looking happy as ever! Im debating whether or not to start flowering tonight...
:clap::clap::clap:Please start flowering:clap: You definitely put the hours in LSTing those ladies. Thats what Im going to be striving for on my next soil grow.


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap::clap:Please start flowering:clap: You definitely put the hours in LSTing those ladies. Thats what Im going to be striving for on my next soil grow.
Well tonight marks day one of flowering! Id put some pics up but in celebration of switching to 12/12 I smoked the remaining bowl of my super silver haze so tomorrow will have pics of the girls. I cant wait until they start forming buds soo stoked!


Well-Known Member
before the buds come they will grow taller first but thats ok, they grow alot in the first 2 weeks of 12/12


Awesome grow so far man, I was tempted with trying out an LST grow in my tent but I decided on a sea of green considering I'm still a first time grow and figured Id just mess it up. One input I do have is I have been veggin and flowering my girls under both a MH and HPS and have seen fantastic results (one problem is the tent does tend to get hot if you're not using aircooled hoods). So if you can swing the dual lights in your tent (altho 2 600s for a 4x4 is overkill, but theres a significant difference) I would recommend it. You can check out my tent grow as Im running a dual HPS/MH set up and have been early on. I stated veggin with just the MH but added my HPS and saw dramatic increases in stoutness and general bushiness, which has continued into my flowering stage. Again really really nice grow!