Deciding whether you grow or not, hinges completely on your grow house(at least for me, penalty of getting caught is wayyy to high). With that in mind....DO your homework. Look at listings in the paper, craigslist, every where. Pick a location that is hidden yet in plain sight. I know those sound counter intuitive but if you are wanting to grow successfully you need to make sure your house is secure. No nosy neighbors, a big yard does wonders, and off the street a bit (for sounds/smells/lights). So it all comes down to finding the appropriate places you think you can grow in. When I went out and searched I would bring a checklist along of what I was looking for. The worst part is, you will find a place and it will be perfect...except the landlord just won't work. You can typically tell how protective they are of their property by the amount of information they want from you before they let you rent. They go hand in hand, you don't want the right landlord wrong house and vice versa. Look for houses that have been on the market (for sale) for a long time. See if you can't find if the owners would be interested in renting (especially if they aren't local). In my situation, I dealt with a realtor and my landlord lives 600 miles away. Summed up, dont grow if you think something is sketchy, there is a perfect grow house out there it just takes work to find it. Good luck