Anyone watch the 2 hour special on the History channel about Marijuana last night????


Well-Known Member
haha. right. he acts like people go to his dispensary cause he has jars. i dont care if that shit comes in a wal mart bag as long as its sum fire.


Well-Known Member
Normally, the shows History Channel puts together are more informative and educational. The show the other night just seemed like a big push for pot legalization imo. I've heard better arguments against outright, recreational legalization right here on this board, by growers. If they're going to present a topic, imo they need to do a better job of presenting dissenting opinion. As usual, it seems all they present is a well argued point on one side, and a bunch of extremeist viewpoints on the other.


Well-Known Member
and i just noticed, i dont remember hearing much about the history of marijuana. it was mostly just people talking about the current issues