The lol @ tea party conservatives thread


Well-Known Member
Shit man, if we had an election today, a conservative taco would get more votes than br0bama.
well considering obama's policies involve death panels, indoctrination, shariah law, hatred for white people and white culture, socialism, muslim, kenya, and hitler...... ;)

you'd be kind of an idiot if you didn't vote against him.....


Well-Known Member
not to mention the 200 million dollar per day (no source available, because that's the way conservatives like it) paid vacation in India....


Well-Known Member
odumbass is on his way overseas hoping he can get the muslims to praise him since Americans know he sucks
oh this is priceless....

shows how good this american education system teaches our kids.

India's primary religion is Hindi. they believe in Karma, reincarnation, have multiple gods, and worship cows.

Islam is an abrahamic religion, it comes from the same religious origin as christianity and judaism. they believe in ONE god, Allah, (called Jehova in christianity, but it's the same god) and they believe his prophet was mohammed, not Baby Jesus + 12 disciples...

get educated......


Well-Known Member
odumbass is on his way overseas hoping he can get the muslims to praise him since Americans know he sucks
He is going to India, the predominate religion in India is Hinduism, 85% of Indians practice it. only about 10% are Islam.

NM red got it.


New Member
I wonder which of the teabaggers are going to assume the bottom position, I would imagine they will all try and get-er-done, LOL.


Well-Known Member
and i believe he's going to india to talk about the US trade deficit and its impact in Asia's booming economies, to address nuclear-armed india's tense stand-off with pakistan, and he's probably going to meet with a bunch of CEO's and such to talk about American inversion abroad..............................


Well-Known Member
"Tea Party?" It's just a name for everyone that wants what we should have but don't have. A name for people that want to complain about things. They're wannabe Republicans with an agenda chalked-full of useless rallies and protesting. They have no order or rank and there is no clear distinction as to what they aim to accomplish. It's an act of misplaced anger and, quite honestly, makes me embarassed to say that these people live in our country. I don't know when it'll die down but I hope it's soon.


New Member
"Tea Party?" It's just a name for everyone that wants what we should have but don't have. A name for people that want to complain about things. They're wannabe Republicans with an agenda chalked-full of useless rallies and protesting. They have no order or rank and there is no clear distinction as to what they aim to accomplish. It's an act of misplaced anger and, quite honestly, makes me embarassed to say that these people live in our country. I don't know when it'll die down but I hope it's soon.
Less taxes and smaller government is their general aim. Shit on it all you'd like, but the numbers don't lie.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
India's primary religion is Hindi. they believe in Karma, reincarnation, have multiple gods, and worship cows.

Islam is an abrahamic religion, it comes from the same religious origin as christianity and judaism. they believe in ONE god, Allah, (called Jehova in christianity, but it's the same god) and they believe his prophet was mohammed, not Baby Jesus + 12 disciples...
I'm pretty sure Islam and Hindi are interchangeable and pretty much mean the same thing. Kind of like socialism, communism, fascism, and nazi all mean the same thing.

Hindus and Muslims are both brown people and they are both feraners so they must be the same.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Less taxes and smaller government is their general aim. Shit on it all you'd like, but the numbers don't lie.
Yeah, they want small government. Except when it comes to military spending (the biggest part of our government). Oh and government should also decide who's allowed to get married, what medical procedures women should have, stop doctors from doing research on stem cells, stop mosques from being built, stop people from smoking weed in the privacy of their own homes, continue the drug war, throw more people in prison, institute aspects of Christianity as law, force teachers to teach creationism instead of evolution, invade countries for oil, make being gay illegal, build walls on the boarders, hire more cops so they can stop everyone with brown skin to make sure they are here legally, etc, etc, etc.

But yeah, other than that they totally want small government.

And they want tax cuts for billionaires, they want the government to stop deficit spending, and an economic recovery all at the same time. That is a completely rational point of view.


New Member
You're going to find extremists in every political faction. Some of the things you posted I agree with, some I disagree with. I'm a Republican, but I support abortion (even post birth up until their size is too big for a microwave), I really just hate kids. Military spending is obviously a necessity, especially when China decides they want their Yens back. I believe the legal term marriage and it's benefits should be reserved for male / female couples (I have a gay uncle in Cali who believes in this as well) I'm not educated enough on stem cell research to form a valid opinion, but from my limited knowledge of it I see no reason not to do it. I'm all for mosque's being built, but putting one that close to ground zero is deliberate and tasteless. Obviously against the drug war. I'm not religious. I'm all for invading other countries for oil, that kinda shit gets my dick hard. And I have no problem asking brownies in the Southwest to provide proof they are legal, and shipping them back FedEx if they aren't.


Well-Known Member
I support abortion (even post birth up until their size is too big for a microwave), I really just hate kids.
i may not agree with much of what you said, but this was hilarious! i lol'ed

your bluntness and directness is great, man.

edit -
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to thedoc08 again.


New Member
i may not agree with much of what you said, but this was hilarious! i lol'ed

your bluntness and directness is great, man.

edit -
Haha thanks, take what I say with a grain of salt, I just enjoy making people laugh.

And Uncle Buck is a classic, haven't seen it in such a long time, but IIRC it was hilarious.