pollen sacs forming on female budding plant ??

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
good day friends, i have an issue with my babies and i hope somone can help me out, heres the deal i have 4 plants flowering under 600w soil grow useing GH florabloom and flora grow. i was using botanicare veg nutes for veg growth, after 4 weeks of flowering i noticed pollen sacs under some of the branches and there is pistals shooting out of them, can a plant pollenate itself ???? should i chalk this up a a seed crop? if seeds form will they also pollenate itself if its female ?


Well-Known Member
Does it look like a little seed pod and it's covered in trichomes/crystals? That's normal if so. Squeeze it and if there's no seed then your females are just fine. If it's a hermaphrodite you will actually see male flowers forming. They look like little banana clusters. Towards the end with some strains it's normal to see single bananas (male flowers) shoot out of some of your buds. A picture would help.


Well-Known Member
Before anyone can tell you what to do, we are going to need to see a pics first to confirm if you have a hermie or not.


Well-Known Member
yep seeds good seeds too
I don't recommend using seeds acquired from a plant going hermaphroditic and pollinating itself. Reason for that is because the seeds that you will all get will be female but are also very prone to become hermaphrodites. It's already in the genes and isn't going anywhere unless you can happen to find a male seed, which is unlikely, and back cross it about 5 times.

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
i wont be able to take a good pic right now my plants are under darkness, as for the sacs some of them are bannana like and some have pistals shooting out of the sacs its pretty bizzar iv never seen anything like this before but im not an experienced grower either


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend using seeds acquired from a plant going hermaphroditic and pollinating itself. Reason for that is because the seeds that you will all get will be female but are also very prone to become hermaphrodites. It's already in the genes and isn't going anywhere unless you can happen to find a male seed, which is unlikely, and back cross it about 5 times.
1 out of 4 may be hermi, you normally get 100+ seeds too.
Cull the hermis and make an F1 and make sure you don't use a hermi to make your F2

I have done this with excellent results.


Well-Known Member
1 out of 4 may be hermi, you normally get 100+ seeds too.
Cull the hermis and make an F1 and make sure you don't use a hermi to make your F2

I have done this with excellent results.
1 out of 4 isn't good odds. I know I don't want 1/4 my crop going to shit and possibly ruining the rest of the room if not caught in time. You can't really tell the odds either. What if you happen to pick out all seeds that don't hermaphrodite. Well, that's great, but what if you happen to pick out all seeds that are hermaphroditic. Basically every seed you get from a hermie batch is going to have hermie in the genes. It's just a means of how much. The basic matter is most of us don't have the extra space or the need to be breeding and back crossing so why take a chance of hermies when quality clone supply is so abundant in medical states or when you can order online from a reputable seed bank.


Well-Known Member
1 out of 4 isn't good odds. I know I don't want 1/4 my crop going to shit and possibly ruining the rest of the room if not caught in time. You can't really tell the odds either. What if you happen to pick out all seeds that don't hermaphrodite. Well, that's great, but what if you happen to pick out all seeds that are hermaphroditic. Basically every seed you get from a hermie batch is going to have hermie in the genes. It's just a means of how much. The basic matter is most of us don't have the extra space or the need to be breeding and back crossing so why take a chance of hermies when quality clone supply is so abundant in medical states or when you can order online from a reputable seed bank.
Im sorry you just flat out wrong.

"Basically every seed you get from a hermie batch is going to have hermie in the genes. "
xx xy yxx
put that in you punnet square.....and smoke it.
" It's just a means of how much."
gergers law of inheritance


Well-Known Member
Now Take you f1 XX and f1XY put that in a punet square and there are no extra y's anywhere so f2 should have NO hermis


Well-Known Member
Now Take you f1 XX and f1XY put that in a punet square and there are no extra y's anywhere so f2 should have NO hermis
I think I already said who wants to waste their fucking time with that. Have fun with your hermies mutant. I'll stick to my mothers and clones.


Well-Known Member
Well some people don't understand the importance of simple genetics, i see your point.
Did you know all Female only seeds were inline breeds from hermis?


Well-Known Member
And who was that you said?
Ok I'm going to let this one go. I'm not going to have a silly argument with an amateur. I jut looked at your grow link and you obviously suck at growing. Let's not hijack this thread anymore. If you want to talk shit you can PM me. Here's a few pics of some of the buds I was throwing down a couple years ago which is garbage compared to what I'm doing now that I have more experience under my belt.


canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
@muntantlizzard, that first pic is exactly what my plant looks like but with less pollen sacs only about 3 per node. i have used about 15 seeds of the same strain from the same plant and this is the first time it has gone hermmie but i will also agree with "nomaninsf " i will just purchase seeds online its such a piss off to work hard and get the plant healthy just to find out that its fucked

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
now gentlemen i did not mean to start a pissing contest i know people are very proud of thier grows and little how to's i appretiate all the advise from everyone. on a lighter note i wish canada would have a legalization vote cause it would pass with above 70% .... free the weed for those in need !! thanks again to everyone for all the advise i just cut them down and shed a tear :(