Growers Against Miracle Grow

Apples & oranges. :peace: 8-)
seems to be the case...but bro, next time you got a bag of MG and a bag of FFOF at the same time, just take a handful of each....and tell me honestly, if you were a plant what would you want to be in(i know how weird that sounds)lol, peace and respect bro
Man....we can talk about which is better until we're blue in the face and you'll get all the pro's & con's about both products. Everyone will have their own opinions. It's like saying, who's better Jimmy Page or Keith Richards? Or Coke vs. Pepsi? You'll get both arguements. Use what you want to use and make your "own" judgement!! Oh and btw....FFOF and FFHF is da shit!!!! IMO :) You dont have to like it just because I do!
i grow amazing herb.. if i switched to mg id still grow amazing herb. i choose to use soil that i feel is better, but stressing the argument that you can grow decent herb with any soil is a wasted effort. the variant is personal growing ability. the nutes in the soil will be all used up way before the plant is anywhere near ripe (under most growing styles) so it really comes down to your understanding of how that plant grows, and the nutrient regiment you supply. good herb speaks for itself, and if you are enjoying the fruits of your labors who the fuck can talk shit about it?

im sucking down a vapor bag of some sensi star that was grown in a mix of roots organic and happy frog, i mix 2 bags of roots to one bag of happy frog. throw in some "plant success" for the benificial fungi, extra coco, and chunky perlite. amend the bottom of the containers i bloom in with extra worm castings and high P guano. and fed with a mix of organic and synthetic nutrients with added happy thoughts, good vibrations, Co2 and the laughter of elven children. I think there was some molasses in there too.. maybe some rocket fuel. i can't remember now.. sensi starship or something... :)

the gram per watt thing is called taking it to the next level. I think that's where the rocket fuel comes in ;)
Man....we can talk about which is better until we're blue in the face and you'll get all the pro's & con's about both products. Everyone will have their own opinions. It's like saying, who's better Jimmy Page or Keith Richards? Or Coke vs. Pepsi? You'll get both arguements. Use what you want to use and make your "own" judgement!! Oh and btw....FFOF and FFHF is da shit!!!! IMO :) You dont have to like it just because I do!

Jimmy Page, and Pepsi no contest on either. anyone that says different is retarded.
I do not use M G for flowering. I use M G 18-18-21 tomato feed for veg only. I use bud blood and big bud for flower
right on man...Eventually you'll ditch MG I promise you, peace
I tries triple 16 on one plant this year and it was shit compared to the M G. the M G plants are so much fuller and greener then the other shit I used.. I will stay with the M G thank you..