Trippy Movies

purple stanky

New Member
absolutely man!
i love the blueish-green lady after they die and they are in the waiting room
that was crazy as fuck while trippin she was so vibrant


Well-Known Member
if anyone hasnt seen or even heard of this NEED to watch it.


so many good actors and actresses are in this film....even Kevin James and Seth Rogen.

this movie is all for stoners, trippers, and starwars/startrek fans.

funny as shit and has a trip scene with peyote/mescaline.

GREAT film to watch while tripping

Brick Top

New Member
The first time I did acid, four-way windowpane, "The Wizard of Oz" came on right as I started to sizzle. When it ended "Monty Python's Flying Circus" started. "Night of the Living Dead," both the original and the color remake work well too. A friend of mine and I went to see "The Exorcist" when it first came out and dropped some four-way windowpane. My friend screamed and jumped out of his seat about every other minute ... but he wanted to do it again the following night. It was GREAT!

Now I prefer less visuals and more excitement and dialogue that makes you think, or at least try to think, and get into the flick more and that makes "Death Proof" one of my all time favorites for tripping viewing. The music is great too so that really adds to it.

For anyone who is unaware about it you can go to and watch online or download and burn to DVD any of roughly 70,000 movies and TV shows for free. There are over 100,000 links but some flicks and TV shows have multiple links so the total number of different flicks and TV shows is around 70,000 different titles.


isnt every movie great high or triping? i think so
every movie for me
NO... don't watch movies like wrong turn or the hills have eyes LOL

good movies to watch would be AVATAR, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, fear and loathing, the day the earth stood still, soooooo many good ones.


Active Member
Cat soup is wild





Active Member
The Doomed Generation was pretty fucked up when i watched it tripping, just gotta make sure its the unrated directors cut. Its probably been 10+ years since i seen that movie but thinking bout the ending of it still makes me say, what the fuck was this guy thinking when he made this!

lol found a clip of one of my fav scenes


Active Member
Avatar, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (new one), Alice in wonderland (new one), Shrek 3, X-men is rediculous thats a good one to watch with friends, i find the conversation of diciphering that movie alone is amazing.