New York Power Diesel - 1000W MH veg - 1000W HPS Flower - First Grow....


Well-Known Member
Got NYPD from Nirvana, managed to let 4/5 of them see the light of day, or bulb. Had them under 64 Watts of CFL, and 20 watt t12 6500K for about 8-9 Days. Started in clear plastic cups, with some MG seed starter and lime (that soils is damn acidic). Had worries with two, and two took off, now it looks like everyone is going to make it handily. Just transplanted today into an awesome local producer potting mix (no built in ferts) with two good handfuls of lime and some mycorhizae (thats not spelled right). Im using Jacks Classic to get them going on a 1/4 teaspoon schedule. They are on 20/4 light ratio. Thats a 1000W metal halide, and they're going (god willing) to a 1000W HPS in about six weeks. (not rushing) So seed to flower will be about 7 and change weeks. The veg room is 4x4 and the flower is 6x4. The humidity is high, but it just rained and the basement leaks a bit. When they flower, the ground will be frozen solid and it is usually dry as a bone in there...However I have a dehumidifier on standby. Hoping this goes well, I am pretty good with plants, but I am learning a ton from this forum/experience...Let me know whats up... littlegal1.jpegflower1.jpegveg1.jpeglittlegals.jpegtimer.jpegseed table.jpegflower2.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know what happens...So far two days later there has been significant growth. Ill take some pics tonight and post them. The transplant seems to have went more than smoothly. I transplanted them a touch young, that way their roots wouldn't have such a large shock (as they aren't pushing against the cup). Temp in the veg room is holding steady around 82 degrees and I think im approaching the next watering according to my moisture meter. (at least in the top 3 inches of soil).


Well-Known Member
NYPD3.jpgNYPD2.jpgNYPD1.jpeg12 Days from Popping (this is just one of the gals, the rest of my pics are of smaller and blurrier plants). Looks like it is starting its first node, just hit it with some distilled H20 and some jacks classic 20-20-20.


Well-Known Member
A full two weeks in and things are starting to come together...Got some pics of the whole operation...(at least of the veg room) NYPD3.jpgNYPD14.jpgNYPD7.jpgNYPD13.jpgNYPD5.jpgNYPD08.jpgNYPD2.jpgNYPD6.jpgNYPD4.jpgNYPD12.jpgNYPD11.jpgNYPD10.jpgNYPD1.jpgNYPD9.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just watered them with a Tea made from Mycorrhizae, Molassas, Boiled Goat Manure (concentrate), Humic Acid, Wood Ash, and Distilled Water. Lets hope they like it...Being a soiless mix, I have a feeling that the fauna in there are a touch hungry.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Looking good .. got some of that going on myself so im sub'd would like to see what your 1000wt produce:).. keep it up..


Well-Known Member
Looking good .. got some of that going on myself so im sub'd would like to see what your 1000wt produce:).. keep it up..
Honestly, its only 17 days since i soaked them in water for 12 hours...I started them real slow under cfls and only have had them under the MH for about a week. They are exploding now...I have the largest two under LST, the smaller two seem to just have gotten their act together.

Here are some pics.dscn4933.jpgdscn4938.jpgdscn4929.jpgdscn4931.jpgdscn4944.jpgdscn4927.jpgdscn4928.jpgdscn4934.jpgdscn4936.jpgdscn4940.jpgdscn4926.jpgdscn4941.jpgdscn4943.jpg


Well-Known Member
Day 19...Just got my Wonder Woman today, and Jock Horror Yesterday....
Here are some pics, those two plants were off or LST (this is their second day on break) to get a bit of height...Also Fimmed one of the babies...The two bushy ones were the ones with the LST going on earlier this week. Also just through together a bubbleponic system real quick for a first time go around with it. (1 plant)



Well-Known Member
Do me a favour; Don't be a bitch and stop posting to this journal. I am considering NYPD for the next addition to my garden, and am maddeningly interested. Subscribed.. see that? I wrote it out. It didn't even hurt. SUBSCRIBED. Good then.

Thank you for your contribution to cannabis knowledge Mr... Hudson....


Well-Known Member
Do me a favour; Don't be a bitch and stop posting to this journal. I am considering NYPD for the next addition to my garden, and am maddeningly interested. Subscribed.. see that? I wrote it out. It didn't even hurt. SUBSCRIBED. Good then.

Thank you for your contribution to cannabis knowledge Mr... Hudson....
Gam - I won't stop, I just like to wait 2-3 days in between updates in order to report pics or posts of substance. In regards to the strain, so far it has been very good. I have no background to compare it against, however, it loves to lst, it can handle its nutes, and loves strong HID light as well. It has also been tolerant of my newbie mistakes.
Though there may not be a smoke report anytime soon, I will be vigilant as to updating this journal.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. Check out my grow if you want, I'm growing some jock horror as well.
Good shit, Im about to cop some black jack, your grow has solidified my decision. The NYPD is exploding so far, as it stands I would recommend giving that a shot if you have a chance. We'll see. The Jock horror is slow on germination. I just got a germination heating mat, hopefully it was the temp slowing them down. The Wonder Woman is rushing out of the soil already. (and it was germinated a day later). I was foolish to not use a heating mat prior to this. 20 bucks well spent. I will post some pictures tonight, I have been lax in doing so, as I have just ended a battle with some fungus gnats. Hopefully at least. Im not so much of a "no chemical guy", I see a problem, I stomp the fuckers out. Especially this early in the grow. If this happened in flower, I would be much more careful. I used some bionide insect killing shit with a chemical that started with an I. Apparently an insect neurotoxin. Haven't seen any larvae since. The adults would fly up to the 1000W bulb and fry. That was fun to watch. The toxin is them absorbed in the plant and kills any insect that bites it. The toxin should cycle out long before the cropping. From what I have read, Its also used on fruits and veggies, therefore im not uber concerned about its residual effects. Seeing as how most people smoke a shit load, I always find their "no chemicals in my drugs" argument humorous.
Keep up the good shit man! HV82


Well-Known Member
As promised here are some pictures from last night...Regarding the seedlings: The cups with yellow pipe cleaners in them are the Jock Horror (which are starting to worry me) the cups without are the wonder women. The pics are from around 8pm Last night...Great shots of the tight node spacing. Doing LST so early with these guys was a decent idea.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from this morning (lights on all night)...Again, yellow pipe cleaner = Jock Horror Seedling, no pipe cleaner = wonder woman. I just got a clear plastic container to put over the seedling cups and mat, that seems to have made a real difference. The Jocks started to come to the party, so I suspect they need a higher temperature for germination. The were soaked on Monday pm(11/8), and in soil by Wednesday AM (11/10). I have a bootleg clone which I probably f'ed up big time, however its been alone since wednesday morning (at least one is), there are two in the cup. I wasn't going to try to clone them, as the had like no stem, but whatever. No Harm done.
I think one seedling it kicking the bucket. I found him gnarled under a huge chunk of crap in the starting soil. He, rather she, is totally yellow/off white. Probably going to round up my mishaps and contact nirvana by Monday. The other two seedlings are doing well. Regarding fungus gnats. I saw one adult yesterday, who I have seen around, and I dug down about three inches in the soil in several spots in several pots, and found only 1 larvae. That adult I haven't seen since. Hopefully that it over with for now. A lesson learned in over watering. Here are some pics...

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Well-Known Member
Here are some more PICS from 11/14, reintroduced some LST to try to spread out some of these guys, also tossed all the wonder woman seedlings under the MH to keep them from stretching any further. My pH is pretty high, (7.2) I think that is causing some dead tips on the leaves in some areas. I will drop that at the next watering (the soil is still really soaked from the last watering). Saw two fungus gnat adults under one of the pots, however I dug down three inches and can't find any larvae for the life of me. The insecticide is suppose to kill the larvae, it may not have gotten to the bottom of the pots yet in a high enough concentration. Either way, glue traps will be deployed this afternoon just to be safe. Broke a branch off of one of the big girls but tugging too hard on the lst. Oh well, I cut it and put it in the humidity dome with some clonex. We'll see what happens. The other clone seems to be losing its original leaves, while new ones are poking out on the bottom. This is a good thing I hope. If not, oh well, no harm no foul. All the jock horrors are doing well. I thought I lost one of the Jock Horror seeds when I was planting them, however I just planted two in one cup, I transplanted the smaller seedling, she doesn't seem to like it. The jock horror's wont germinate well unless you have a heating mat and a humidity dome, then they explode at about 83 degs F.
