first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please


Well-Known Member
im headed to the underworld guys after i clean up some maybe i could help rene out with some kiddy porn pics.. nothing else going on at this point..


Well-Known Member
Haha reggae I have to agree however anticipation heightens the experience ;) ok so fine ill get started on next grow what do you guys want to see? Give me some idea on experiments and I shall name it after you and get my thread going


Well-Known Member
im doing the same thing right now over on my thread.. lime is convincing me to do a perpetual harvest.. what you think?


Well-Known Member
I think you should reggae and aas far as that lime you will have to give me some pointers the one I topped is starting to really look cool I think I will end up topping again that girly is going to get hell!


Weed Modifier
I think you should reggae and aas far as that lime you will have to give me some pointers the one I topped is starting to really look cool I think I will end up topping again that girly is going to get hell!
well i would need picks for that....and you are holding back!!! I like topping .... pinching too this way you still have the main vein!!! lol

After topped it should create more tops like 2 or even three. are you going for tops or a bush? Where is this


Well-Known Member
Haha its on my phone can't post them from my phone I'll get you boys pics tonight I will germ some as well busy night it seems thanks guys lol and doc the wife is a smart woman!!


Well-Known Member
haha, its that dang fish oil i use for pest control.. i just mixed it super concentrated, hopefully i will kill everything..
tomorrow i will spray with monterey spinosid, its all out war!!! the final days i should say cause them fuckers are bout to be dead!!!

i also have an omni thrip and flying insect killer and some ortho for house spiders and ants..
im only using one each day cause i dont want to create any lethal gases from mixing them all..

oh and yesterday i dipped them all in a gnat and larvae killer.. haha told you bro as soon as i cropped its allout nuclier winter in my grow room


Well-Known Member
Damn good idea reggae I have some problems appearing with my ladies one I burnt opps and now I can't get it to stop dying that's why I'm chopping her she is ready


Well-Known Member
i never have problems with pests when im hands on with them girls.. i guess i just have skillfull hands and they apriciate that.. hopefully once they are all dead again i wont have to use any pesticides other than the fish oil as a preventative..

fingers and toes are crossed


Well-Known Member
Fish oil huh tell me more about this as preventative..I have some as I feed it to my dog he is so spoiled lol shits expensive


Well-Known Member
octopus bong filled with ice and my first dry purple nug... dang now that is some cool smoke.. as i toast to you rene


Well-Known Member
what about me i want a hit u got a bud porn shot of this purple bud i want to see please
DONK!! i forgot to take the pics of the purp.. i will get that one with the baby porn later.. im just getting meddid up b4 i get back to work..