Is this a bad thing or normal? this is making me very nervous!!!


Well-Known Member
so all day my plants have been standing high and healthy looking, just beautiful. now right before the lights have gone off for the night, i went into the tent to spray them down with water and shocked as i was my leaves are drooping, not standing up as they were earlier. this is kinda scaring me.. does this happen sometimes? does this mean something? pls help me.. there in 5 gal buckets and its been about 3 days since last water/feeding, soil isn't wet but not dry either

p.s. i started with a fan also today, very light air going to them though, not a heavy wind were they should bend them or make them droop i believe, this should make em stronger if anything

they are in 50/50 mix of light warrior and happy from, 300w T5 lights. 4" incline fan ducting to a carbon filter... triflex base and grow nutes

heres my 2 pics from the very same say, the morning it was standing up, then later into day its drooping.:wall:


Brick Top

New Member
now right before the lights have gone off for the night, i went into the tent to spray them down with water

You do not want to spray or water plants just before hours of darkness or during hours of darkness. That is a sure way to have mold and fungus problems. If you spray/mist or even water plants you want to do it early enough in the day/evening for them to have a chance to dry off before your lights go out or the sun goes down.


Well-Known Member
You do not want to spray or water plants just before hours of darkness or during hours of darkness. That is a sure way to have mold and fungus problems. If you spray/mist or even water plants you want to do it early enough in the day/evening for them to have a chance to dry off before your lights go out or the sun goes down.
oh alright, ive been alwasy told to spray right b4 lights go out to prvent foliar, but if they are doing this because they know its sleeping time coming soon, hopefully this is the case and i have nothing to worry about.. any other opinions??

Brick Top

New Member
oh alright, ive been alwasy told to spray right b4 lights go out to prvent foliar, but if they are doing this because they know its sleeping time coming soon, hopefully this is the case and i have nothing to worry about.. any other opinions??
Your droop does not appear to be a problem. Spraying/misting before lights go out/the sun goes down can cause problems. Misting/spraying just before lights go on/sun comes up or when lights are on/sun is up does risk slight burn, hot spots due to magnification of light through water droplets.

Each way of spraying/misting has some degree of risk, though less with daylight misting/spraying, so pick your poison and go with it.


Well-Known Member
search "time lapsed weed grow" on youtube. plants always droop down during sleep then jump up again after 2-3hours of light. its actually quite cool watching hours of grow time in 2min.

Brick Top

New Member
One other thing to consider about misting/spraying plants with water. That will increase humidity. Low humidity increases resin production and high humidity is detrimental to resin production. Unless your humidity is extremely low, low to the point of desiccating your plants, you may want to rethink misting/spraying them unless you feed that way.


New Member
i have found that watering and or spraying plants done in the middle of your night cycle ( lights being off ) as your room holds a average temp of 68 - 72 degrees on average ( lights off ) will have enough time for your leafs to dry off your humidity will rize
but turning your exhaust fans on will combat this and depending how powerful it is u can turn it on 15 mins prior or a hr which ever
and your leafs will be dry
your leafs being down is all good no issues there its normal
I personally think you run a bigger risk of hurting your leafs while spraying ( Lights on ) nute burns , etc
think of mother nature it rains alot in the middle of the nights least in my geological area it does


New Member
only spray i ever used on my plants was neem oil 3 times i keep my water completely away from leafs at all costs i water only my soil


Well-Known Member
alright guys thank u! i did notice my leaves are standing back up this morning, its crazy how ten mins right b4 the lights go off that they know bedtime it already coming, its prettty freaking cool