SoG 9 per sq. ft do-able?

what size reservoir would i need to feed that many plants in that area?
do they make flood trays in this size?
sorry if i sound like a complete noob.. but i am :)


Well-Known Member
recommended amount for each plant is 1 plant per sq ft. BUT you can do 2 plants per SQ ft. since u have really nice bulbs. Also, 14 grams per plant is sad, i mean real sad. I got 25 grams for a 1 and half foot plant using CFLS and used only blood meal and bone meal, not even my ph was right, it was about 6.8 (my first grow). Honestly i would look at about 60 grams per plant doing 2 plants per Sq Ft (if you are doing it right and all goes well you could even get 80 grams out of each plant if you nature them right and what not.)


Well-Known Member
not yo be a prick but this is the advanced section you would be much more comfortable in the newbie section or room design. also do some research! people kinda frown on you posting 5 times in your own thread in a half hour too,

now you need 2 3x6 trays and at least a 75 g res and no way is 2-600 enought light 4 is way closer to what your looking for good luck


Well-Known Member
dude looking at your link you posted, WOW those plants look SO SAD, STARVED,STRETCHED, and TINY. The amount of weed he got and all that work shows it was a SHIT GROW/WASTE OF TIME. I can get more weed out of one of my plants JUST ONE. HE HAD 72 and i can get more out of one plant not even hydro. SAD SAD SAD :( :( :(. AND the guy is right this is for ppl who know what they are dong and just looking for little tips and tricks and problems, NOT IMPOSSIBLE GROWS (mission impossible) Do alot better research and if you want to actually grow that amount of weed you need to do Aeroponics/NFT.


Well-Known Member
dude looking at your link you posted, WOW those plants look SO SAD, STARVED,STRETCHED, and TINY. The amount of weed he got and all that work shows it was a SHIT GROW/WASTE OF TIME. I can get more weed out of one of my plants JUST ONE. HE HAD 72 and i can get more out of one plant not even hydro. SAD SAD SAD :( :( :(. AND the guy is right this is for ppl who know what they are dong and just looking for little tips and tricks and problems, NOT IMPOSSIBLE GROWS (mission impossible) Do alot better research and if you want to actually grow that amount of weed you need to do Aeroponics/NFT.
Which one didn't ya like?

These are both cola grows. that first thread is a great read on a great cola grow system for someone who was interested in the design/plans etc.

The 2nd thread is from a very good poster who just did their first cola grow who may have some insight for the guy..

He wasn't asking about aero's, nft's, e&f's, dwc's etc.. so I simply pointed him in the right direction.

Cola grows = mission impossibles? I don't think so. But to each their own.


Well-Known Member

THOSE plants look sad and very much stretched, i am saying what he wants to do is pretty much mission impossible 9 plants per SQ FT. That is not a smart move at all.
Yeah that can be a sonofagun if you're not pretty well versed in cola grows.. Im one of those guys that stays far away from rockwool so even if/when I do a cola grow it wont be 9 per square foot...

Gotta admit tho, that first thread I posted, that guy has it mastered, down to an art form...

I like my hybrid stations (swc/ebb and flows).. I also have a couple aero's (not the big nice ones).


Well-Known Member
check out those threads diktionary, i think you'll like the info in them.. especially the 1st one..

edit, i see you have... cool beans, hope they help


Well-Known Member
hey dikt. you sound like a big dreamer, right on! thats what pushes us forward... but honestly to get the results you want you would definetly need more lights... you can use light movers with the 600's to help but even then it might not be enough lite.. here is a pic of my first sog using 1 1000 on a light mover... 3x6 tray160 plants my biggest plant was 14" tall and was 22.5 grams but the average was only about 1/4oz... with ceiling hight you can probably grow yours taller but 2' should be your max when done

