first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please


Well-Known Member
Well sadly the ex took all my bongs and even my glass knives! The hooka I got for 20 bucks and a 10 sack lmao got to love it though hooka bring back memories


New Member
im sure there are plenty of takerss he sounds like one to take take take
he needs to take a ass whooping take take take that bitch


Well-Known Member
Oh he already got an ass whopping that is why he is the don't spit in my face and walk away in one piece:fire:


Well-Known Member
Ok guys so in the pics of the grow box there is something that doesn't belong just noticed it today...+rep to the first one to find what doesn't belong in the grow room lazy to repost pics so they are on pg 38


New Member
oh your bra sure it doesnt belong on u i like topless
i thought at first it was for lst or scrog


Well-Known Member
Haha that's not the ex its the brother in law he hung it backwards and I was tired of tearing it down so said fuck it lol


Well-Known Member
Haha well I just don't see what it will so for me maybe another light because I grow so many at a time but what use is a conversion bulb to me? My mh won't take a conversion and why do I need the mh for my flower? Just far as the bra no fair you cheated lol