Agent's 2nd Organic Grow- Pineapple Chunk, LSD, Euforia 200wCFL/600HPS

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Just use duct tape... I had one split on previous grow and used duct tape for about a week then removed...

It will heel just as a cut on your hand...
Ok will do... thanks for advice- so it should work with not much set back ( or death of the branch) you reckon? :D

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Ok so after much thought i've left the 'crack to the forked stems alone- didnt see much point in taping it as its more of a fracture than a split- dunno if its right thing to do- if anyone else could advise?

Moving on to another weird and wonderful problem ( wouldnt really say problem- but weird all the same) is the LSD after checking tonight i noticed its throwing up some puzzling new growth!:?: There are what seems to be new leaves growing on stems from the fan leaves-i've never seen this before and it didnt happen on myu last grow and not anwhere on the other varieties im growing atm. Its happening on quite a few fan leaves- so is it a weird genetic thing or what- anyone had this before they can shed some light on why its happening lol?

many thanks

Agent xx



Well-Known Member
That is a development. Could that be from an unstable strain. I know LSD has been around for a while. Could it be an unstable batch of seeds???

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
i dunno one of the smaller ( the better looking) weedling is also LSD and they are from Barneys which seem to have good reviews regarding their seedbank. Would you do anything to the Euforia or leave it alone? Im also considering repotting the smaller weedlings- when they decided to sprout i had already given the better pots to the other mature plants- is this too risky in flower, just worried they are gonna have more problems later on- already having to water them daily.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I would definitely tape up that whole split "V", running the tape around both branches to make sure that the split doesn't open up when the plant is heavy with buds. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taping up the "V".

If you are already watering on a daily basis then the pot is too small and repotting to a larger pot is a must. Repotting can be done at any time as long as you do it carefully and don't disturb the roots.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Yeah, i guess so- i was putting it off because the plant is very dense- it hasnt really grown vertically in height but instead bushed out with nodes that are only 2 cm apart in some areas- the reason it 'fractured' in the first place was with me trying to get more plant into the centre as its so dark from the 'rosette' effect of the leaves at the canopy- i didnt part it too much but i guess the stems were simply too thick. I was witholding taping also as its going to close the canopy back up - but so be it, i guess i might have to prune in later stages after all lol.

On the pot front ill get a few more pots this afternoon- as they are all female it will be a shame not to encourage them to full potential-

Thanks for the advice- any views on whats up with the PC leaves? However im excited to see what happens with that weird growth on the LSD lol :D

Edit: I've finally got my soil Runoff pH at 6.4- 6.5- i was wondering if that was what was going on with the leaves- in the past i couldnt really get it below 7 so wondered if i was locking some nute elements out?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Edit: I've finally got my soil Runoff pH at 6.4- 6.5- i was wondering if that was what was going on with the leaves- in the past i couldnt really get it below 7 so wondered if i was locking some nute elements out?
I would be guessing that the high pH would have caused some lockout and your lights have burnt out the damaged tissue ... but that would be a guess (based on similar problems that I had).
There are so many things that combine to screw with our plants, luckily whatever it is (or was) probably won't affect the plant in the long term. I think more damage is often caused by over-worrying and over-correcting every little blemish.

I can't wait to plant my L.S.D. and my Pineapple Chunk ... and my other 10 strains, but space only permits me a couple of plants at once.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Ok so i've repotted the weedlings to the same size pot as their older sisters and taped up the fracture to the stem on the Euforia. Having fed some epsom salts on last few feeds they are starting to look better and really taking off- heres some pics of how they are looking so far-

Pineapple Chunks (2)-


Euforia- very Bushy lady



LSD Weedling

WW Weedling


Group shot


Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Ok so i've checked on plants tonight and the one PC's leaves are starting to point upwards- it can be seen slightly in pic one above - but its more so tonight- its not heat as its on outskirts and no other plant is doing it- pH is aalso ok- i've given them all epsom salts as thought it was 'praying'- any ideas or nothing to worry about?


Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hmm still dont know whats up the PC plant- i rotated it into prime position under light but the fan leaves are still pointing up in a 'V'. Been told in plant problem forum all sorts of things that tbh i dont think apply to me- dont think lights are to far away, or that it needs more water, already given them a few doses of epsom salts prior to this happening ( could it be the epsom salts?) Someone suggested it was normal and that the plants are happy- anyone here want to add to the opinions so far?



Agent xx


Active Member
hi agent i am having the same problem with my PCs the only cure ive found to work so far is to spray them every 2/3 hours with plain water with a fine mist seems to cool them down and relaxs them enough for the leaves to go flat again hope this helps :leaf:

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
hi agent i am having the same problem with my PCs the only cure ive found to work so far is to spray them every 2/3 hours with plain water with a fine mist seems to cool them down and relaxs them enough for the leaves to go flat again hope this helps :leaf:

Hiya thanks for the reply:)

Im a bit apprehensive about spraying my plants in flower, i understand the theory behind what your saying and you obviously have had success from it. I sprayed my WW's last grow aqnd burnt em all lol- worried about doing it again. Is it possible that the Epsom salts have caused this, as didnt do it up until now- plus its only one plant. Will they be ok left alone (as long as it doesnt worsen) or is it something that really needs to be addressed? Sorry for questions just want to be sure- and ill spray if i really have to lol- just nervous about it lol.


Agent xx


Well-Known Member
You could yse a fine mist sprayer and don't spray the tops just the undersides..??..

What about adding another Fan.

They look really good I think

I want mine to stand up like that...If they reaching like that they are performing,,

How you doing Agent,,,,Like a suped up car in a rented go cart town....

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hey Hemlock,

Lol suped up car! :P Im a bit under the weather atm, but otherwise good, ty for askin, hows things with you? Iwas thinking of another fan, but will have to have a think about it as my circuit board to the garage is probably maxed out with all the things going on in there- plus its powering Pond pump and UV unit. No matter where i angle the fan atm, it does seem to leave one plant without much exposure to breeze, so currently im just rotating them around. If you think they look good then thats good enough for me, however i'll leave them for a few days as is, if they dont flatten out then ill start spraying :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Hemlock,

Lol suped up car! :P Im a bit under the weather atm, but otherwise good, ty for askin, hows things with you? Iwas thinking of another fan, but will have to have a think about it as my circuit board to the garage is probably maxed out with all the things going on in there- plus its powering Pond pump and UV unit. No matter where i angle the fan atm, it does seem to leave one plant without much exposure to breeze, so currently im just rotating them around. If you think they look good then thats good enough for me, however i'll leave them for a few days as is, if they dont flatten out then ill start spraying :D
I doin OK, tuff week, no rest for the wicked..LOL...
Under the weather atm you say, LOL, easy to do in your part of the world...
Hope you're well soon
You spread them out I think your plants are looking good. You know I went to the plant problem forum once and fuck all, I looked at my plants and said, we are in big trouble.
Then I settled down and said to meself, they are plants give them some water and fuck'em...LOL


Active Member
no i dont think it would be the epsom salts to be honest lookin at them....if its only one plant it mite be due to genetics as skunk#1 has those kind of pointy up leaves.... i only spray very lightly mainly from underneath the leaf for 2 reasons 1 is to not to hit the flowers and 2 this is where the leaf breaths i would refrain from spraying at the moment but keep an eye on it and keep me posted if you notice a change no matter how small drop me a line....hope this helps :D

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
progress is slow but steady- regretting leaving the 'weedlings to their own devices( pic 1514 or plants to the back) - they are well behind on budding but have stretched considerably to the fimmed/LST'd plants- oh well they were a bonus surprise b4 anyone chimes in with the OMG how stretched.... lol :D

Anyway heres some pics of the progress so far. The Euforia is still as bushy as hell- so dark under canopy i kinda wish it would stretch a bit- The LSD weedling and LSt'd plant are the stretchiest- and strangely ive kept the PC's pretty much in check considering what other people have experienced :D

