traveling med licence question


so if i got my licence i should be fine at the airport since im still in the state of colorado? i would just have to be very careful when im out of state. i thinking of bringing some smoke with me.


Always assume that you will go to jail if they find it, it is still illegal on the federal level, so the feds will still prosecute. If you have to take it, mailing it to yourself is always #1. But if you have to take it through the airport, treat it like you would've before it was legal, but after all the terrorist issues. Good Luck.


Active Member
I just got back from vacationing in CA and NV. I am a patient in WA.
I have read that if you are traveling within your own state you should be okay...but, when you are in the air, you are covered by Federal law..thus, not a good idea. For sure, treat it like you did before becoming a patient.
I mailed a package to myself before arriving, but it was going to be a few days before I got to where I mailed my package. I ground up some and rolled a couple in my cig machine, in filtered tubes, and added them to my pack of cigarettes for the flight. I don't recommend you do it, but it worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Federal law supercedes states law as soon as you take off, and states do NOT own the airspace above 18,000 msl(mean sea level) ALL jet liners fly above those altitudes while on thier IFR flight plans. Mailing MMJ to your self is also a federal crime, and not advised. The USPS is a gov entitity and controlled by the gov. If you plan on taking something edibles are your best bet. Why? Many reasons!
1. You can bring it right onboard with your carry-on items. As long as they are made correctly, no smell, no clues, no problems.
2. It isn't hidden or clandestinely concealed. Again you bring them right on board just like the fat-ass people who hit the fast food restaraunts in the airport.
3. You can have them on your person (like in your pocket)and go through the metal detectors, etc. The only scanners that might trip you up are the 3D full body scanners being at select airports.
4. Nobody will question you if you unwrap a bran muffin or brownie mid flight.
5. No lighters needed.
6. Better for you anyways

I can go on and on, but edibles really are the best overall! :)


Active Member
I agree edibles are the best way to go, but they don't work for myself.

I never use USPS. Have never had a problem with UPS though.


Well-Known Member
"I agree edibles are the best way to go, but they don't work for myself."

Then you did something wrong.


Active Member
"I agree edibles are the best way to go, but they don't work for myself."

Then you did something wrong.
I have tried many different edibles over the past 30+ years, I assure you, I have had many products that were not made "wrong"

Eating doesn't have the same effect as smoking...agreed?

I don't prefer the longer lasting body high I get by eating; it's not what I am looking for in my medication. doesn't work for "me"


Well-Known Member
Airports are federal property i believe. Homeland security will turn over marijuana users to local law enforcement, but local LEO may do nothing if you have a card.
Sucks, but it's really a bad idea to fly with meds these days.

chef c

Well-Known Member
cryo vac it and pot it inbetween a lot of obscure objects in your luggage. works for me.