Having trouble getting my og regimen dialed in SEND HELP PLEASE!!!

Running bullshit advanced nutrients bloom mix a&b (no offense if thats ur brand) as base nutes along with hygrozyme kushie kush and big bud.

It seems as though they cant get enough nute at 1800ppm already flushed so theyre not locked up.

Also i was wondering how long an og flowers and should veg for?

All responses greatly and humbly appreciated
these were my OG's last harvest at 8th week of 12/12 with PPM around 1500

she finished around 9-10 weeks and could have gone another 1 week, I veged for 12 days from clone.
almost 3 months form clone to smoke.


Well-Known Member
excuse my ignorance, but with just a 10 gallon pot, a simple organic mix with some amendments you can just ditch all of this AN crap.

As a newbie (which I assume you are only because its in the newbie forum) I believe you would be better starting at the beggining - just a simple mix and water.
Maybe just some molasses or tiny amount of bloom booster.

Running with all those nutes as a newbie is asking for trouble. You'll have a lot of variables to dial in while you'r not familiar with the plants growth.
i have em in 2 1/2 gal pots and my local hydro shop put me on this reg idk if it was an upsale deal on their part or not but thanks for the advice. this is my first grow. i have 23 plants half og half bubba on trays running water to waste under 4 1000watt hps. its not a starter setup im just trying to utilize as best i can. again thank u


Active Member
excuse my ignorance, but with just a 10 gallon pot, a simple organic mix with some amendments you can just ditch all of this AN crap.

As a newbie (which I assume you are only because its in the newbie forum) I believe you would be better starting at the beggining - just a simple mix and water.
Maybe just some molasses or tiny amount of bloom booster.

Running with all those nutes as a newbie is asking for trouble. You'll have a lot of variables to dial in while you'r not familiar with the plants growth.
good advice
Time to look toward simpler means i think. thanks guys. ill keep this thread updated with changes and results. any and all new advice about anything will be much appreciated thanks again.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
what ph you run at and what is the medium your in, that pic looks like it could have eaten more..but not by upping the ppm,


Well-Known Member
ive been hearing alot about molasses. would i run molasses from veg or just while flower?
Molasses has P and K, some micro minerals and lots of sugars.
Its benificial to support the soil food web if not enough other sources of sugar are available. Thats if your growing using the soil food web method.
Its also benifical in mid and late flowering to supply the plant more carbons to pump and a bit of P and K boost.

The amount most people use is 2 tablespoons per gallon. I use 1 tablespoon when I do.

Time to look toward simpler means i think. thanks guys. ill keep this thread updated with changes and results. any and all new advice about anything will be much appreciated thanks again.
If you need any advice before spending more money, just ask ;-)