Armoire Grow Box -

I am a novice grower. I have been around multiple grows, and even had one unsuccessful grow that involved an AeroGarden Deluxe and some bag seeds. I ran out of vertical grow space, and I think I may have given her too much Nutes. Long story short, she died on me. I've been smoking for over 10 years, but due to recent difficulties in keeping a reliable/ drama-free hook, I came to the realization that there has to be a better way for a smoker in my situation to smoke some frosty nugs without having to jump through hoops to do so.

Discretion is my chief concern. I live with my lady-friend, who exhibited noticeable uneasiness during the "AeroGarden Experiment". Determined to make this work, I embarked on countless hours of research. I am intirested in the grow-box method, and came across a number of journals where people were converting armoires into a self-contained, discrete, growing environment. I figured that if I could control for odor and light leakage, I can keep my old lady happy and see this thing through to the skunky end.

Here goes nothing.


Active Member
Looks like a sweet start man.. Just make sure that baby is sealed up nice and tight.. You have plenty of room in there.. You can find some really good designs to follow on here. Good luck!
Thanks Smokin Joe. I want to do this thing right (and avoid the sting of dropping a bunch of cash on the necessary equipment all at once) so I'm taking this thing real slow. I bought a 250 watt HPS/ MH dual cooltube light about a month ago. I set that up in the armoire just to see how it looks. It also gave me my first chance to run the light for an extended period of time to gague heat production (from both the hood and the ballast) and the light output of the cooltube.
-The light is PERFECT! Minimal heat output from the cooltube and the ballast. I plan to get an inline fan/ charcoal filter for to ventilate the box and deal with any unwanted odors. This will be my next purchase. I've found a few on eBay, but I haven't pulled the trigger on any of them yet.
-I also have my eye on a couple of squirrel fans but, like I said, I'm taking this slow. My main goal is to buy all this stuff before I move out of my current place so that I can get down to business in the new place. You can never be too safe.
-When the light is on, and the doors are closed, there's a little light leakage around the hinges. I think some weather stripping will solve this problem without looking too tacky.
I almost forgot to mention my favorite feature about this armoire. It's made out of cedar! A natural bug deterrent. The crazy old-school lock and key actually work too. If anyone really wanted to get in there, they would be able to, but it may help to deter a snoop.


Well-Known Member
I am a novice grower. I've been smoking for over 10 years, but due to recent difficulties in keeping a reliable/ drama-free hook, I came to the realization that there has to be a better way for a smoker in my situation to smoke some frosty nugs without having to jump through hoops to do so.

if you live in canada try or try a set up like mine. they both work.
I dream of a day when I can pick up some good from the corner store, let alone have it delivered. Unfortunately, I'm not lucky enough to have the privilage. I live state-side. Sounds like I have bigger problems than just having a flakey hook.

Whoa is me.
I've been looking into purchasing seeds. I figured I'd go ahead and get one of the most anticipated, and tedious, steps out of the way. If you've been through this, you are likely aware of how how difficult it can be to find the perfect "lady to fit both your smoking expectations and your unique growing situation. I am looking for a potent variety with minimal vertical growth and high yields. My research had me leaning toward a predominately Indica strain. Their tendency to resist mold and some diseases didn't hurt either. Everything I read pointed to a "Kush" variety. Some tended to have higher vertical expectations than others, but I stumbled upon the perfect specimen on a site that reviews the dispensaries in California.

I've decided to go with 8 Ball Kush. This plant is supposedly very potent and it tops out at a max of 60 cm. Apparently I'm not the only one who wants to get my hands on some of these babies. Attitude has been sold out for a week, and I'm patiently waiting for them to restock.

-Does anybody have any experience with this strain? Feedback is most appreciated. If you know a reputible seedbank that has some in stock, I could also use some help in that department.

Peace and love my minions.


Active Member
I can't believe you're going to hack up that beautiful piece of furniture to make a growcab. You can pick up GREAT prefab cabinets to cut up for around $100 or so...
I believe that everything in life has a purpose, and this armoire is about to realize what it was put on this earth to do. Besides, if being stealth is my chief concern, who would ever think to look inside this thing?


Active Member
One thing about wooden grow cabs is they're harder to dissipate heat. The metal storage cabinets act somewhat as a giant heatsink.

I would carefully plan out how much vertical room you like, have a veg on the bottom, possibly reservoir storage and a smaller veg if you're using hydroponics at all (if you do that make sure you seal the bottom utility room with some sort of waterproof liner and/or plumbers glue in case of leaking). Have the main flower in the center. Depending on lights and planned method and quantity you're growing, plan how much vertical room you need. I like to use LED's and have a second utility room above the flower chamber. The lights themselves don't give off heat, so I'm able to trap heat separately from the insulated grow room and vent it from the top utility chamber. Between the insulated mylar chamber, the recessed lighting and adequate ventilation, you should have a relatively easy to control environment as long as you keep your ambient room temp near the intakes is approximately where you want your cab temps to be.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Hey Man. Your on a very good path from what I can see. I have something similar to you except mine was build by a cabinet builder friend who just happened to be looking for a nixer. I'm running a 400w hps in my cab with cooltube. Only have passive intakes and a 5in Hydor pulling through a carbon filter. No smell and temps are perfect. mine is only 160 cm tall and have scrog going. The very next thing I would be doing with the armoire would be to get some mylar in there and make the inside reflective to maximise light.

On the right path though Rep+
I agree, Mylar is a must. I plan to put some sort of plastic receptacle a the bottom in the event of a water mishap. I've heard good things about SCROG growing. I hear it works best when using clones. I haven't read much about people using that method from seeds. Being that this is my first serious attempt, I'm just going to germ the seeds and go from there. If I like the strain, I can always order more seeds. If I do progress towards the 3 chamber method, I think I'll go with the bonsai mother technique. I want to get my feet wet before I invest in the added expense of expanding my enterprise.