Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

Indefinately, thanks for checking in, man.

Anyways, here's where we stand in terms of getting the base setup.......also put a column in so you guys can get a feel for what it's gonna look like with 15 of those in the mix.

9.30.10 002.jpg9.30.10 003.jpg9.30.10 004.jpg

9.30.10 001.jpg
So I bought two fans and put them in the room and ran it again............fucking 85F.

Just got off the phone with the guy from Octagon Hydroponics, and I'm trying to get their 4L600 rush delivered to me.............there's another $1K down the fucking drain.


This is actually starting to get a touch expensive now........but on a positive note, have all but 10 of the wyes and am gonna continue work on the octagon today - might be able to get the plants in there with the lights turned down to 50%.........lemme go run them like that and see how much heat they put off.


EDIT: It's en route, and the owner seems like a real chill dude. Gave me some money off and free shipping, so it's $800 all-in.

DOUBLE EDIT: I'm hoping that the vertitube will pay for itself over a few grows in AC cost savings - will lessen the load off of everything with a properly functioning cooltube, especially the chillers. Want to be able to get my room down to 75F with the lights on if I so desire, and hopefully the cooltube will allow me to do that.

Gonna have to run a "T" off of the intake hole I drilled into the crawlspace, and the AC and cooltube will share it - both will also be exhausting through the roof and into the rest of the garage.

Hopefully with the AC running less, there will also be less smells and whatnot escaping............just goes to show, you should go with your gut and not try to cut corners.

It's gonna be here on Friday, so I'm still gonna try to get the "system" fully setup and only run a light or two until then, which I was probably gonna have to do anyways to avoid lumen shock.
So, found other 15 amps I knew was in there, but now I'm not sure how to go about the wiring - the pics below are pretty straightforward, I think, but hopefully you guys can clear up a point or two for me.

1) So there's a switch which feeds the rear flood lights for my garage - are the wires hooked up the back of the switch the "HOT" feed (from my breaker panel) or are they the wires which simply feed the lights?

I'm guessing I need to get behind there and untie all those wires that are tied together, huh? And then is there a way to know which is which?

2) As you can see from the video below, the 1/6th pump I bought is a fucking beast, and a 633 working with a 396 can't keep up with it - anyone have any recommendations on sizing? A 1/10th should be sufficient, no? As you'll see below, the return pump only has to pump about three feet, whereas the feed pump has much, much more resistance.

EDIT: Forgot the video link.......


10.6.10 001.jpg10.6.10 003.jpg10.6.10 008.jpg10.6.10 007.jpg10.6.10 005.jpg10.6.10 002.jpg10.6.10 004.jpg10.6.10 009.jpg10.6.10 006.jpg
Do you have any kind of voltage tester? Out of the wires there, you just have to find the black one with power on it, hook it to the L1/hot side of the outlet, run the white(common) to the L2/c terminal and ground to ground and just make sure anything else is capped off. Should be all good then with no fire risk.
No, haven't forgotten - just not a lot to report, been pretty slow.

Was in Europe for a couple of weeks, and now I'm just waiting on a new batch of clones to root and doing some more odds and ends setup work (cooltube, veg tent, chillers, etc) - that being said, this thread is pretty close to death - it's just too long for anyone's good, so whether or not I do a journal on RIU, it won't be in this thread - if I stay on RIU I'll post a link in here to my new journal (won't be for a couple/few weeks).
A few other forums, but there's nothing go on over there that's not on here - they're also just construction journals, no real plants growing yet - I'll paste a link here to my journal when it's up and running - probably be around a month (going to wait until they're flowering before I start a journal).
Lol............upgrading my octagon to HP aero (aka ""TAG") right now, but I'm over at THC Farmer if you wanna find me:


Right on sounds like a big project! Been watching your thread from the shadows on THC way over my head hahaha to add any info. I was wondering what was your take on the 4x4 ebbaflow 4 plants per sqft. Did it turn out like Dagambler was saying to much stress for a little yield ? After checking out ichi's 2x4 grow and how he made it work, i always though it might be possible. But then again the max yield would only be around 2 pounds and with maybe just 6plants grown big in a 4x4 might end up with a higher yield. Rambling on now any thoughts/experience on that kind of setup would be appreciated. Keep growing strong! Oh yea really enjoy the video walk threw don't be a stranger on youtube!!