I really do hope that was humor that I missed, the smiley face tends to make me believe that is possible, because if not that is anything but true. I am not a rep whore and never have been. I hate the stuff and wish it had never been invented. I almost never give it because I do not believe in it and have no interest in receiving it. I doubt I have given +rep as much as 6 times in all the time I have been here and only then it was because someone had given me so much that when they said something worthwhile I felt they liked +rep and believed in it and they might see it as I owed them some in return.
I have been a member of more boards like this than the number of times some members here have gotten laid ... OK .. bad example .... that means I would only have had to have been a member of one single board to have been a member of more boards like this than some members here have gotten laid ..... but I have never, and I never will, do anything to give myself +rep.
I don't give a damn about popularity. I picked Brick Top for my username because Brick Top was a harsh nasty gruff rough old cob, just like me, and people like that are not lavished with +rep. If my more than just acidic tongue/keyboard is not proof enough of that I don't know what ever could be.