Hello ~ growers underground has a 'ph manifesto' technical read sort of, but this info is priceless .... ph ~ 3 things affect it, soil, water, and your NUTES ! are you using m. grow ? drop it like a rock man ! If your having ph issues I recomend Andvanced Nutrients Sensi~Grow/Bloom A and B (simple two part fertilizer). Plants create the own ph, they are ph factories. If your using m. grow then thats a problem for its not made for the plants we grow. A.N. has developed sensi~grow/bloom base fertilizers around the fact plants produce there own ph, and the nutrients effects what ph the plant makes ! If your soil is off (mine was) and you use sensi~grow/bloom it will stablize your soil, because the plant will be producing ph, in the correct range... its a trip, but read the ph manifesto and be ready to really understand ph and how to control it. Dude, it reversed my plants ph issues in two waterings! its not just the ph of the soil, or water, its the nutes! plants produce there own ph... right food, ph gets ballanced. hope that helps, I was in the same spot!