The lol @ tea party conservatives thread


Active Member
The economy recovered slowly once we got into the war. After the war the progress made was better.
Like I said. You are just an uninformed sound bite who hasn't disproved a thing I said. A lot of which is common sense and explained in simple English. I'm not here to mislead people. Use your head and re read what I posted and tell me why those simple explanations are incorrect.
the economy gets better when we get into wars because spending money stimulates the economy, but there are other ways of spending, like FDR's "failed policies". stupid ass


Well-Known Member
the economy gets better when we get into wars because spending money stimulates the economy, but there are other ways of spending, like FDR's "failed policies". stupid ass
Although people were employed during the war, the economy during the war was very inefficient. We over spent and the quality of work was worse compared to before the war. How could it not be? The best part of our work force, by far, was overseas fighting. The problem with people who think like you is you don't ask, "at what cost".
Use your head for something besides a place to shove food into, simpleton.


Well-Known Member
Not a sound bite, a historical fact. No president has attempted to cut spending during a recession since that very act caused the recession of 1937. Neither republican nor democrat has tried this.
Spending and taxes were not cut in 1937 using the same policies like they were in in the mini depression. Wages and prices were not manipulated in the mini depression. The free market got us out of that depression. Quit ignoring this fact

"government spending actually rose between 1936 and 1938, reflecting a $600 million decline in 1937, followed by a $1 billion increase in 1938. But even if one ignores the $1 billion increase in government spending in 1938, the 1937 $600 million decline doesn't translate into a $3.2 billion GDP decline a year later, much less a 30% drop in industrial output."

Expecting Obama to obey your political ideology at the cost of another depression is insane. The only reason you want him to do so is because if the economy tanks again you've got a better chance at getting a republican president.

This is very transparent.

"The economy recovered slowly once we got into the war. After the war the progress made was better."

Anyone who can read a simple graph understand this is bullshit. While it is true it was the war that brought on the economic strength of the 1940's, everyone can plainly see the economy started to recover before we got into it.

Again you are just a talking head with no substance. A cheerleader.
I do not want a republican president. McCain would have been just as bad as Obama. Only difference is his theft package would have helped his buddies instead of Obamas. I DO want a President who believes in Republicans values.
YOU do not know what is best for me or what I think or want unless you ask. To say otherwise is pure arrogance. Don't make up things about what I want, you loose credibility.

Obamas theft package was alot worse than FDRs. At least FDR put a lot of jobs into rebuilding the infrastructure. Obamas theft package ended up using 2-3 percent of it to rebuild the infrastructure.

Recovery from the depression came only after the Department of Justice dramatically stepped enforcement of antitrust cases nearly four-fold and organized labor suffered a string of setbacks.

"Collusion had become so widespread that one Department of Interior official complained of receiving identical bids from a protected industry (steel) on 257 different occasions between mid-1935 and mid-1936. The bids were not only identical but also 50 percent higher than foreign steel prices. Without competition, wholesale prices remained inflated, averaging 14 percent higher than they would have been without the troublesome practices"

"By 1939 wages in protected industries remained 24 percent to 33 percent above where they should have been, based on 1929 figures. Unemployment persisted. By 1939 the U.S. unemployment rate was 17.2 percent, down somewhat from its 1933 peak of 24.9 percent but still remarkably high."

The government manipulation which devastated the free market was slowed. We know that government manipulation brings on booms and busts and those policies end up doing a lot more harm than good. History has proven this time and time again. Quit counting on the ones who created the mess to get us out of it. They do not have your best interests in mind.


Well-Known Member
hate to say it but I know PLENTY of folks who did not vote just because Obama was not running... Tried in vain to get them to understand how you must vote every election... I really think the interest level will most definitely swing the Dems way in 2012.... and did not Reagan and Clinton go through losing a lot of seats midterm. In fact, there is some evidence that losing big in the first midterm election might be better for a sitting president than losing small.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Again you are just a talking head with no substance. A cheerleader.
If I'm wrong and you're right then explain one thing to me. Why has every president liberal and conservative alike increased deficit spending during a recession? What you you know about economics that no one in the last 70 years has been able to figure out?

How can you reasonably expect Obama to do something so risky that no other president democrat or republican alike has done and wasn't expected to do? Why the double standard? People weren't holding rallies to protest against Reagan spending money we didn't have during a recession.

Of course the answer to those questions are pretty easy to see. Conservatives are more than happy to see the economy get even worse if than means getting someone more like them in the whitehouse.


Active Member
Reading threads like this is somewhat painful for me. People getting their facts wrong, pushing opinions on others, making ridiculous statements that lump groups of people together based on certain opinions, is not valuable dialog. I would expect better out of my fellow Americans however it seems that the political pundit pushing media really does influence people to think irrationally. Turn off the television and read some books, read some primary source documents. Start with a book like A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn and go from there. The battles we are now fighting are nothing new and they will not go away unless we rise to the occasion. So go forth and read, come back when you have educated yourself and can form a useful opinion. There are enough mis/disinformation machines out there so please try and avoid being one of them.


New Member
Reading threads like this is somewhat painful for me. People getting their facts wrong, pushing opinions on others, making ridiculous statements that lump groups of people together based on certain opinions, is not valuable dialog. I would expect better out of my fellow Americans however it seems that the political pundit pushing media really does influence people to think irrationally. Turn off the television and read some books, read some primary source documents. Start with a book like A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn and go from there. The battles we are now fighting are nothing new and they will not go away unless we rise to the occasion. So go forth and read, come back when you have educated yourself and can form a useful opinion. There are enough mis/disinformation machines out there so please try and avoid being one of them.
It's bad enough I had to read your post, now you're telling me to read a whole book? I think I'll forgo that slow and painful experience and just happily continue to watch Glen Beck and talk shit about how much of an idiot brObama is.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Reading threads like this is somewhat painful for me. People getting their facts wrong, pushing opinions on others, making ridiculous statements that lump groups of people together based on certain opinions, is not valuable dialog. I would expect better out of my fellow Americans however it seems that the political pundit pushing media really does influence people to think irrationally. Turn off the television and read some books, read some primary source documents. Start with a book like A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn and go from there. The battles we are now fighting are nothing new and they will not go away unless we rise to the occasion. So go forth and read, come back when you have educated yourself and can form a useful opinion. There are enough mis/disinformation machines out there so please try and avoid being one of them.
So basically you're clowning on people in this thread while adding nothing what so ever of substance. I really like Howard Zinn but he's pretty far from a non-bias source of information. That really doesn't make you any better than other people with their jaded opinions.

Sorry, but that's kinda snotty. You're coming off with an "I'm better than all of you" attitude. What's the point in that?


Active Member
Perhaps I am a clown and yes the book is a bit long winded but it is a great read. My thought was to imply logic and reason rather than jumping to conclusions. The Tea party movement should be respected for having a very solid backing and the very real possibility that they may become even more dominant in 2012 if Obama and the dems continue to fail to enact real reform. However the real issue here is that the working class, the majority, that elected Obama in 08 is frustrated at the continuance of previous policies both foreign and domestic. Maybe if "we the people" realized that our enemy is not right or left, dem or rep, but rather a tiny misguided fraction of the population with the vast majority of our nation's and in fact the world's wealth. But then again maybe it is as simple as cutting taxes and electing witches because honestly I do not know.