1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ha ha not quite. Well maybe lol. Be funny as shit to see what everyone here looks like too. Ya kinda get a visual in your head but its never what you think. Hehe I'll start,,, if you crossed Robert Redford and Clooney youd come up with highlander. Lol sorry guys, just getting baked this mornin. Anyone else??

Time to go rock the house down :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha redford X clooney hahah you smooooooth ass mofo! i look a bit like ricky from trailer park boys but with a shaved head ! not in the same league :(

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
ha ha had to look up trailer park boys and then which one was ricky. Had ya pretty much spot on brotha! Not to long out of high school we rented a 5 bedroom flat near downtown with a bunch of buddys. One of them looked just like rob wells/ricky and I swear that guy got more poon tang than anyone I have ever seen lol

Figured out how to help the potency of the vortex...let it go longer. Smoking some red kief, all amber trics, atm. Later :)

Oh and that movie looks like one I need to see

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha thanks for the chuckles guys lmao

the krankies freak me a bit, i only recently found out ones a woman

HC~ amber vortex kief = stairway to heaven!!!

i hit the bubblegum good n hard yesterday proper stonover this morning again


Well-Known Member
So you finished up trimming mate? Must be weird with the tent being a bit empty after all your stresses...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah it is a bit weird like i have to say, I got to the 2 hours mark trimming the livers and really couldnt be arsed to chop another hour of popcorn, so its been minced and going into the hash bags.

i can see the floor its all wrong :( haha gonna set up the auto pots this run try n maximise what i get out i reckon ill pp the DOG's in them to max them and the biggest of the other clones. gotta pot up tonight, just ordered 20 new 3.5 ltr pots the SOG is on!