congratulations, you are the stars of humanity. Lets use logic for a minute, as we are all fond of it. What is it your trying to achieve. Don't misunderstand me, I get your point, I've been to a county jail before, I've seen what your talking about. But what is it your looking for? For her to all of a sudden be like "oh, shit, you know, your right, god is a scam?" I think the phrase that fits this is "intellectual masturbation." If I'm wrong, please tell me how.
And don't act like your doing this for the sake of science, all three of us could fall of the earth now, and advancements will continue. As such, I can't help but think that the only purpose your actions serve at this point is to stroke your ego. If there really is a point, please, what is it again?
I can't help but notice that her sense of religion seems to actually
anger you. Why is that?