TURN LIGHTS OFF the last 2 weeks of flowering?????? WTF!!!


Well-Known Member
me n beer resized.jpgOk I got a email from ROLLITUP and thery were telling about a seed bank they recomended. Well if good enough for them then good enough for me.

I havent had my first grow yet I been buy all the equipment I need and studying. Havent even thought about what seeds I want yet. IN my other post you can see what equipment I have so far and a bit about who I am.

Well I go to the site and I listed for the most expensive seed first LOL to see where we start. Well USD 750$ for 10 seeds is thier top price. So I go to the cheapest next LOL which is 8$ USD for 10 white widow seeds....welll I liked that price so a read what they say about it.......which I knew mostly but always good to read....well they write and artical under that and they say this

Try to turn the lights off altogether the final 2 weeks of the flowering cycle- or at least down to 8 hours. This keeps the flowers from re-growth and stresses the plant into giving up its last drop of goodness as crystal to protect the flower.

In all the reading and studying Ive not seen this before. Any thoughts on this. Does it make since or is it misinform or what.....This noobie is confused as hell now.


Well-Known Member
where did you get that info? from a breeder???
wow, Ive never heard anything like that. The photo period is 12/12 beacuse 12 hours is the most light a plant can take with out thinking it summer, thats why its 12/12 if you see what I mean.
12hr of light is the most the plant can process while still remaining in bud.
Last two weeks I start the flush, water, and then the last four days I wont give her any water, to almost start the dry before she is outta the soil. I dont know if this actually works but in my mind it dose and so I do it. I wouldnt recommend any dark period over 30hrs, I give them a day of dark between veg and flower to let them think it winter and start them budding.
Dark of over 48hrs retards flowering,, got that info from my grow bible. ,,and slows all growth,, making the temp a bity higher during flower will genrally increase resin production.

SO.... Yeah, Ive never heard of that, heard that going to 6 hours of light and 12 of dark , then extending it to 10/14 makes the buds develope slower but the resin content is increase. I have never tryed or feel the need to try,, I just do 12/12 and increase the heat, also plants dont use as much water in the flower phase so increasing this heat I havent had to modify my feeding/watering schedule.

hope this helps,,,,take it easy..


Well-Known Member
where did you get that info? from a breeder???
wow, Ive never heard anything like that. The photo period is 12/12 beacuse 12 hours is the most light a plant can take with out thinking it summer, thats why its 12/12 if you see what I mean.
12hr of light is the most the plant can process while still remaining in bud.
Last two weeks I start the flush, water, and then the last four days I wont give her any water, to almost start the dry before she is outta the soil. I dont know if this actually works but in my mind it dose and so I do it. I wouldnt recommend any dark period over 30hrs, I give them a day of dark between veg and flower to let them think it winter and start them budding.
Dark of over 48hrs retards flowering,, got that info from my grow bible. ,,and slows all growth,, making the temp a bity higher during flower will genrally increase resin production.

SO.... Yeah, Ive never heard of that, heard that going to 6 hours of light and 12 of dark , then extending it to 10/14 makes the buds develope slower but the resin content is increase. I have never tryed or feel the need to try,, I just do 12/12 and increase the heat, also plants dont use as much water in the flower phase so increasing this heat I havent had to modify my feeding/watering schedule.

hope this helps,,,,take it easy..
The Attitude Seeds Bank (https://www.rollitup.org/attitude)


Active Member
It is generally acepted that 48 hours of darknes right before harvest can be a good thing ........forcing an increase in trichs........But two weeks.....No way, all you would have is rot and mold. No matter what fans you had.
peace B


Well-Known Member
hey,, just went to that link and looked through some pages... that must be a typo././ as I spoted two, one spelling and one grammer mistake just on that first page.
so using that I think the last 2 weeks means last two days...

Take it easy....


Well-Known Member
two weeks.... L.M.A.O.!!

lol.. I needed that! I needed a good laugh... ;)

appreciate it.


peace.. have a great weekend!


Active Member
Maybe a plant that's suffered from light burn near the end of flowering two weeks off darkness could be a benefit. Theoretically this could makes sense possibly.
Was that posted for sativa or indica strains or it didnt say?
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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Two weeks of darkness will kill your plant at the time it's finishing it's final bulk up. Where in nature does the sun go down for 2 weeks other than Alaska. What strains are native to Alaska? LOL Think about the natural environment these plants come from.


Well-Known Member
No, it doesn't sound like a good idea if you want to end up with smoke that is worth a shit.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Good point....did you guys happen to look at the dates of the posts above? :P
I would have in TnT but didn't expect a mainy sock to show up in the Grow Forums. Thanks for pointing it out. The poster is a worthless troll who necros threads and has zero interest in growing etc... sigh.

Should have known when StonedPony was the OP.