MMJ in Texas after Prop 19?????


Well-Known Member
Anyone know the chances if Prop 19 passes for Texas to receive any sort of Medical marijuana...or even any lenience on the subject...

I fear Texas will be one of the last states to Legalize

I still smoke even though its illegal but damn, Texas is a key part of the smuggling to the US along with many other border states.

The closest thing i heard that would be able to open a dispensary was Austin..

I don't really know where this post is going...I am just curious as to see what you all think about Texas toking some MMJ :D


Well-Known Member
I also think texas is going to be the last state to do that. Maybe up you'll get some leniency. You will only get a few years for seeds and stems.


Active Member
Sorry to say, but TX will be one of the last states to accept medical mj. Too many of the people there are afraid of change of any sort. I think you have a better chance of getting the pope to admit he is gay.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say, but TX will be one of the last states to accept medical mj. Too many of the people there are afraid of change of any sort. I think you have a better chance of getting the pope to admit he is gay.
I actually laughed out loud. +rep.

Im from the south and it is a completely different world down there. But drivers down there are definitely more courteous.


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard or read any thing about people pushing for it here in texas there some kind of movement i can join or support....


Active Member
Ive never heard or read any thing about people pushing for it here in texas there some kind of movement i can join or support.... but I can tell you its a really week organization (In numbers). I watched a few speeches at the Austin capitol and yes, great speech to about 200+ people.
Then I packed my bags and moved back to California.

Its week in numbers as in YOU so get out and do something!


Well-Known Member
All 49 states could do it...And Tx wouldn't just to say its the only state against it.


Well-Known Member
i am into positive thinking but texas will be the last place to make it legal. Its just to bread into people that MJ is evil. Texas is a zero tolerance state, meaning they throw the book at you for pot.

It'll never pass in Texas sorry to say. And BTW Rick Perry is as fake as fake gets. I voted for Debra Medina as a write-in even though i don't like some things about her she was hands down the best choice. Perry is a globalist traitor and just uses his cowboy routine w=during election time. The fukker is a member of most of the international groups that are pushing for the disintegration of nation states and herd us all into their one world utopia - you know the one, where we're enslaved even more than we are now and the fruits of our labor are not ours to keep but theirs to steal - utopia alright - utopia for them and Rick "The Dick" Perry is in lockstep with the evil bastards.


Active Member
One funny thing about the separation remarks in texas was they were sure happy for the fema bail out when Galveston sunk.
Some how (And back then they called them selves tea baggers) some how they omitted the massive billions they got.

Man I hung around the capitol during the protests in hopes but I never got a tea bag!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been to texas a few times before... it sucks, I dont understand why anyone would move there

Cost of living vs the coasts...That's about it.