My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
So I have some bad news, one of my g-13 clones has turned hermie on me... im gonna let it finish in isolation with the rocklock. Also I have a feeling that the 2nd WRxNL is also going to be a hermie. On th bright side, the Eidawg clone from baja is performing outstanding, she is starting to get a very dark purple hue to her...


Well-Known Member
Good and bad news...that G13 was looking beautiful man...

On the bright side I know that EDAWG will be something special, just wish I hadn't ruined the feeding schedule on the mom or we might have known what she was


Well-Known Member
Sorry about all the Gaga's Bill. :-( No possible sprays you can use to stop them from going hermie?

EDAWG....mmmmm. :weed: Can't wait to see her fully ripe. Maybe mother her since Baja lost his? Or just keep her long enough to get a few clones and mother one of them?


Well-Known Member
Sorry about all the Gaga's Bill. :-( No possible sprays you can use to stop them from going hermie?

EDAWG....mmmmm. :weed: Can't wait to see her fully ripe. Maybe mother her since Baja lost his? Or just keep her long enough to get a few clones and mother one of them?
Dutch masters reverse stops nanners from forming any further and stops seed production. it is best used in veg just to be safe or early flower. after i discovered it i sprayed my plants hermie or not to be on the safe side


Well-Known Member
I am gonna put them in isolation, and let them finish, they are halfway done now anyway... If they have seeds i am not too worried since it will all be personal smoke any way.

Besides nowadays mech is in high demand, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about all the Gaga's Bill. :-( No possible sprays you can use to stop them from going hermie?

EDAWG....mmmmm. :weed: Can't wait to see her fully ripe. Maybe mother her since Baja lost his? Or just keep her long enough to get a few clones and mother one of them?
I actually have an EDAWG back from bill and I just put her in flower yesterday :D


Well-Known Member
So the greenhouse is almost completely finished, I have a couple of spots I need to cover up, and then it is good to go. I'm going to leave the Rocklock, and the 2 hermied g-13's in there till they finish, and when they are done start flowering everything else in there.

I also set up another 5 gal dwc bucket, and transferred one of the E-dawg clones into it and started her on 12/12. Lets see how she does in hydro :)

Everything else is doing well, gonna put some pictures for you all.

Private Reserve


Jack Herer

E-dawg clone




Well-Known Member
dam nice job on the GH. how much did that run you to make? the door looks to be the most expensive thing on it. i would like a green house for once i start growing weed again, but i also want one just for non MJ plants to live in in the winter. and the e dawg looks dank, looks like she is getting purple


Well-Known Member
dam nice job on the GH. how much did that run you to make? the door looks to be the most expensive thing on it. i would like a green house for once i start growing weed again, but i also want one just for non MJ plants to live in in the winter. and the e dawg looks dank, looks like she is getting purple
Came out to about $220 including the door.
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