600w MH/HPS LST grow journal: the cheese PICS


Well-Known Member
Took a few pics of the girls tonight! I did some minor LST on one of the plants and watered all 6 with grow big, tiger bloom, big bloom, open sesame and EM-1. They're really starting to stretch it looks like, definitely not as much as my other grow (I think the sunpulse bulb is the reason) but the plants have become noticeably taller in the past few days and most of the bud sites have pushed above the canopy. They're also starting to smell which seems kinda early but hey it doesnt smell bad! Let me know what you think

Cheese 1
Cheese 4a.jpg Cheese 4b.jpg Cheese 4e.jpg Cheese 4c.jpg Cheese 4d.jpg

Cheese 2
Cheese 2a.jpg Cheese 2b.jpg Cheese 2e.jpg Cheese 2d.jpg Cheese 2c.jpg

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon 11-12-10 a.jpg Purple Dragon 11-12-10 b.jpg Purple Dragon 11-12-10 d.jpg Purple Dragon 11-12-10 c.jpg


Canopy.jpg All 5.jpg



Well-Known Member
man the plants look great, and they all appear to have even canopies so nice work. the only thing i see that could be done is the purple dragon plant looks like it is ina smaller pot and farther fro the light bulb witch can cause it to stretch more, if you can i would stack some stuff under it to get it closer


Well-Known Member
Haha, mcpurple beat me to the punch. Also, if it doesn't want to stretch it may get taken over, canopy wise, by the other plants.


Well-Known Member
man the plants look great, and they all appear to have even canopies so nice work. the only thing i see that could be done is the purple dragon plant looks like it is ina smaller pot and farther fro the light bulb witch can cause it to stretch more, if you can i would stack some stuff under it to get it closer
Ya she's gunna stay in the smaller pot through flowering, I didnt have time to veg her more than a week so I figured a 5 gallon would be overkill. I definitely moved her closer to the light tonight! Hopefully she'll enjoy that considering some of the fan leaves from the cheese was starting to cover her up.


Well-Known Member
Haha, mcpurple beat me to the punch. Also, if it doesn't want to stretch it may get taken over, canopy wise, by the other plants.
You were definitely right! I went in to check them tonight and it was in the shade of one of my other girls. Now my purple dragon is level with the rest and no longer in danger of becoming lost in the jungle!


Well-Known Member
Ya she's gunna stay in the smaller pot through flowering, I didnt have time to veg her more than a week so I figured a 5 gallon would be overkill. I definitely moved her closer to the light tonight! Hopefully she'll enjoy that considering some of the fan leaves from the cheese was starting to cover her up.
im sure she will appreciate the move up higher


Well-Known Member
Wow amazing little buddies ya got there, I wish my plants looked so lush. What nutes do you use for veg?
Thanks a lot brownbearclan! Im basically using the entire fox farm nutrient line but for veg I used grow big, big bloom, EM-1 (I would highly recommend using this product or creating your own microbial innoculant, definitely worth the time and money) and open sesame. Im a hardcore fan of the fox farm nutes and used them on my last grow to great effect. As far as my schedule for feeding, I just go off of the chart they provide with their nutes. It hasnt let me down yet! What nutes are you using currently?


Well-Known Member
im sure she will appreciate the move up higher
Haha ya she definitely did enjoy her move to the upper canopy with the other girls. It looks like she did quite a bit more stretching last night once I moved her (she's been really slow to start stretching which I think was because my dumbass left her so low for so long but oh well, live and learn). I also gave her some extra grow big in the last watering to hopefully promote faster growth which she seemed appreciative of. You know sometimes I think I spoil her but hey she's my little purple princess!


Well-Known Member
Heres a few pic of the girls I took this morning before the lights went off. I fed them last night with grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, open sesame and EM-1. Definitely needed the PH up I just bought, the water was well below a PH of 6 after all the nutes. Its funny how fast they perk up once they get a little bit of water in their roots! Today is the second day in week 2 and the colas have finally pushed through the canopy, ive been waiting for this to happen so I can count how many main colas I will hopefully have on each plant. So far (although not set in stone yet) each plant has anywhere from 15-25 main colas so Im pretty happy with that. A few of my plants are pushing some tips higher than others so Im going to LST a few more areas to even out the canopy but I figure with only about a week left of stretch im pretty much finished with LST. Im bummed that I dont get to work with my plants quite as much but at the same time im excited to see them start budding!

On a side note I would just like to say Troy Smith IS THE MAN! Who needs Alex Smith when we have Smith version 2.0? Haha GO 49ERS!

Anyway, heres some pics! Hope you like them

Cheese 1
Cheese 4a.jpg Cheese 4e.jpg Cheese 4c.jpg Cheese 4b.jpg Cheese 4d.jpg

Cheese 2
Cheese 2a.jpg Cheese 2b.jpg

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon 11-13-10 b.jpgPurple Dragon 11-13-10 a.jpg

All 6.jpgCanopy a.jpgCanopy b.jpg


Active Member
Thanks a lot brownbearclan! Im basically using the entire fox farm nutrient line but for veg I used grow big, big bloom, EM-1 (I would highly recommend using this product or creating your own microbial innoculant, definitely worth the time and money) and open sesame. Im a hardcore fan of the fox farm nutes and used them on my last grow to great effect. As far as my schedule for feeding, I just go off of the chart they provide with their nutes. It hasnt let me down yet! What nutes are you using currently?
I'm currently using MG tomato food lol! I'm looking into simple effective nuts and so far the dyna-gro, just using their grow+bloom, is what I may try because I'm hella broke. =)


Well-Known Member
I'm currently using MG tomato food lol! I'm looking into simple effective nuts and so far the dyna-gro, just using their grow+bloom, is what I may try because I'm hella broke. =)
Haha ya I feel you there, my first grow I lived off top ramen for a few weeks to get my nutes payed for. I will say that anything is better than nothing when it comes to nutes tho, and dyno-gro is good stuff. Id love to see some pictures of your plants if you have any!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone sorry there hasnt been an update in a while, ive been cramming for midterms all week and havent had time to take pics so this update will be a big one! Im finishing up week 5 of flowering for the hash plant, romulan and harlequinn and week 2 for the Cheese, Purple Dragon and Skywalker. Everything is looking good on both grows and im surprised at how much the Cheese has stretched (check out the canopy sequence) I watered last night with some distilled water and EM-1 and will water with nutes in few days! Let me know what you think!

Hash Plant, Romulan, Harlequinn (Lights off)
PB160367.jpg PB160360.jpg PB160363.jpg PB160339.jpg PB160342.jpg PB160355.jpg PB160336.jpg PB160338.jpg PB160347.jpg PB160346.jpg

Hash Plant, Romulan, Harlequinn (lights on)
PB160324.jpg PB160322.jpg PB160328.jpg PB160329.jpg PB160331.jpg

Cheese 1
Cheese 4a.jpg Cheese 4f.jpg Cheese 4b.jpg Cheese 4c.jpg Cheese 4e.jpg

Cheese 2
Cheese 2a.jpg Cheese 2c.jpg Cheese 2e.jpg Cheese 2d.jpg Cheese 2b.jpg

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon 11-17-10 b.jpg Purple Dragon 11-17-10 a.jpg Purple Dragon 11-17-10 c.jpg Purple Dragon bud a.jpg

Skywalker b.jpg Skywalker a.jpg Skywalker c.jpg

Canopy (pictures dated by name)
11-3-10.jpg 11-7-10.jpg 11-8-10.jpg 11-10-10.jpg 11-12-10.jpg 11-13-10.jpg Canopy.jpg All 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
dam they are looking great. the purple dragon looks to be pretty sative. do you know the genetics on her?


Well-Known Member
dam they are looking great. the purple dragon looks to be pretty sative. do you know the genetics on her?
I think it's a mix of purple urkle and blue dragon but I'm not 100% sure on that. I've also been told that it's a mix of BC bud and purple kush. I smoked some of the buds from the guy I got my clone from and it was a really strong sativa, very cerebral and trippy which was unexpected from a purple strain.


Well-Known Member
For sure man! and oh I was gonna say I just started using those clothes hangers it turns out I didn't know clothes hangers were metal I only had plastic ones doh! but I noticed in some of your pics the metal isnt perfectly bent I am a pretty strong dude but man that metal is a bitch to bend in some areas! almost sliced myself on an end to hehe