Disney - are disney movies good for your kids?

yaaaaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaaaaaaan the guvment mind control scheeeeme maaaaaaaaaaaaan

totaaaaaaaaaaally brooooooooooooooo liiiike whoah, the government maaaaan ya know... they control your minds with stuff maaaaaaaaaaaaaan
forgot the *puff puff* part
becuase I've been puffin and puffin and this is what I came up with to inform yall
just can't say this shit is fake
why do you think marijuana, the most harmless plant is illegal in the first place???
the GOVERNMENT maaaaaaan, got me payin his taxes and obeyin his laws
I love getting it up the ass by the government right?
Google Disney subliminal messages and lots of stuff comes up, some are funny and some are stupid. The Little Mermaid one is a classic and I think the original VHS covers are hard to find

The Lion King also has one, when Simba looks at the stars some stars are lined up to read SEX...

Is Disney bad for your kids? No, that's just plain stupid, haha. I went there when I was a kid and to this day I still watch Disney movies... Happy Meals are bad for your kids, lol
ogkush21, im right there with ya. i've done in depth research into a whole array of topics, spent a lil over a year in the library pretty much. didn't do nothin but research. no friends, no drinks, no weed, no bogies, no junk food, lol. from 8am-8pm every day.

i may be the only one on here that does agree with you but after a few futile "debates" in the politics forum i like to keep my shit in toke n talk..best forum on the forum!
ogkush21, im right there with ya. i've done in depth research into a whole array of topics, spent a lil over a year in the library pretty much. didn't do nothin but research. no friends, no drinks, no weed, no bogies, no junk food, lol. from 8am-8pm every day.
was this when you were doing a lot of coke?
Maybe they are trying to breed us for a big war. War makes money.
Or they are jokes between cartoonists and animators.
Maybe they are trying to breed us for a big war. War makes money.
thank you shrigpiece, thats the most logical conclusion for this.
you all must understand that their is a group of nationles aristocratic men who reside above the law, and control all the economies in the world. This group of men is known as the illuminati, and they claim to carry the bloodline of egypiitian pharoahs, and the god given right to rule the world. these people practice no jewish beliefs, but hide behind the jews and hope to establish a society of slaves and electronitc money where everything you do is monitered and you have no right to live, only if you are of value to them.
Georgia guidestones are a weird monument in georgia that have laws written ancient languages one of them is "keep population under 500mil"
they are reducing the population right now through nutrition and vaccines, (what is #1 death reason in US? heart attacks. in US,1in 4 children will develop diabeties in thier lifetime.)
Even Bill gates acciedently admits to this, just watch
(this is working too slow however, so they must resort to WAR to get the job done
They run secret socites such as free masons and skul and bones that hold key people in positions of authority, ploticians, judges, police chiefs, even celeberties.(walt disney was a 33rd degree freemason (a very high rank) along with george washington) these people have a goal to remove 90 percent of the population
Mind control is no secret. the government admits it to you in declassified CIA papers, and even wikipedia dosn't deny mind control.

Their mind control was taken from the nazis, who were already ahead in the studies of "Pshycological warfare"
There were Nazis specializing in 3 areas, psychological and biological warfare, and rocket pulpusion.
after the war was over, under president truman's "operation paperclip" many nazi scientist were integrated with american organizations such as NASA. there was also MK-ULTRA which began in 45, the first declassified american mind control project by CIA
"Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip. These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was renamed Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and related topics. MKULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip"

mk-ultra involved the kidnapping of people, and making them take drugs such as LSD and torturing them so that they can obey without hesitation or thought. little kids were the main area of study.

mind control has evolved today,
many celeberties are victims of mind control, and they obery everything thier handler tells them. The only way they can be mind controlled is by being sexually traumatized and having an alt personality, and then having that alt personality take over. poor girls are used to submit in the perversions of high ranking members. pornos are then made for politicians to keep, for blackmailing purposes to prevent a backstabbing. please be aware of this guys, becuase its our leaders who participate in this!!! our leaders are mind controlled to participate in this by the illuminati in order to have power, just like any other religion. freemasonary is the religion of the aristrocrats.

Sex kitten programming: programing girls from birth to be sex slaves, to furfill the perversions of higher ranking masonic members
this is a CIA program and the programed sex slave girls are chosen to become famous pop stars, and used to control the masses into sex kitten programing

all of you people who deny this, what do you know about mind control?
if you are unaware of mind control deny mind control exsists then the mind control is doing its job.
I'm realising now that many people, do not want to "wake up" and kust live helplessly under a fake corrupt system with fake money, and fake war on drugs. The main reason hallucinogenic substances are illegal are becuase they make you aware, (they increase your perception of awareness) and that is the truth aboutall natural drugs from the earth.
Ganja is a very strong herb that increases your perception of awareness, thats why I ask you to please take a toke before you wacth one of these videos.

So you're saying The Matrix is real? I'll take the green pill
the matrix is real?! FUCk YEA, What are the cheat codes?! :blsmoke:
This gonna be like gta, where I do a little dance and I get weapons, another dance and a tank falls from the sky, etc? I could soooo get used to this... :twisted: