WOW shes flowering fast!


Well-Known Member
damn. it diddnt take long for ur seeds to arrive. ull have a mini forest going soon lol.. i will be able to post pics on sunday!!!


Well-Known Member
Did you quit the thread early sharp? I was hopin you'd be gettin that camera back today and we could see some pics. I start flowering my ak-48 and master kush tommorow and the ak's already have so many pre-flowers its got me pumped. Please dont quit the thread, keep it up till we get a true cured smoke report


Well-Known Member
I GOT THE CAMERA!!! im charging it right now. i will post some pics shortly... ive been busy playin that game (i dont have a life!). ive been commin on but havnt been posting anything. give me 5 minutes and it will post some pics!


Active Member
I GOT THE CAMERA!!! im charging it right now. i will post some pics shortly... ive been busy playin that game (i dont have a life!). ive been commin on but havnt been posting anything. give me 5 minutes and it will post some pics!
Cool cool, I've been waiting too. I've been extremely sick and that is why I have not update or posted. Ill update my flowering girls here later and my seedlings on my thread as well.

I picked up Black Ops yesterday but my internet had been cutting out like every 10mins so I gotta get that fixed before I play online.

I'm having a problem w/ my seelding. The first set of leave have gone deformed and dark green. Check my thread later for pics. I think its because I forgot to balance the Ph of my tap water for the first watering. I realized my mistake and haven't done it since, I must have been really high to have done that lol.


Well-Known Member
here goes some pics of my fist girl. the bud was hang drieing for a few days. now its in jars. this bud was harvested at 5 weeks. the plant died early on me. i have smoked this with some friends (told themi bought some). they absolutly loved it. it has a great high!!! i havnt smoked any of the big buds im gonna let them cure.

I will post some pics of my plant that is still growing at 11. thats when the lights turn on! all the trichomes are cloudy on her and there are a few amber ones as well. i plan on letting her go another two weeks until i harvest her!!

i am just amazed at how high i get off this bud. i am used to smoking local weed and this is a major step out. i cant wait to give the real smoke report with some cured weed.

more pics at 11 !!

View attachment 1268436100_1805.jpg100_1801.jpg100_1806.jpg


Well-Known Member
that sucks ur sick quantum. that really sucks! hope u start feeling better soon!

i hope u like MW2. its exactly like mw2 but with extra customization and better maps!! i love it though. its just how i wanted it to be!

hopefully your seedling will get healthy again. atleast u figured out the problem. ill visit ur thread here in a ittle bit. give u some time to post pics!!!!


Active Member
that sucks ur sick quantum. that really sucks! hope u start feeling better soon!

i hope u like MW2. its exactly like mw2 but with extra customization and better maps!! i love it though. its just how i wanted it to be!

hopefully your seedling will get healthy again. atleast u figured out the problem. ill visit ur thread here in a ittle bit. give u some time to post pics!!!!
Thanks buddy. Your bud looks sexy by the way, looks like a good smoke. I just picked up an ounce of TrainWreck, its been kicing my ass haha.

I'm hoping that's what cause the leaves to turn, all the new growth looks healthy. Pics will be up in like a hour or so


Well-Known Member
here goes some pics of my other girl. shes not grenn but shes still growing. some of the buds on her are already rock solid and it freaks me out when i pench the bud (lightly) and it just feels very solid.


this is my siamese cola. there the main cla with a smaller cola growing off the side of it. Weird!!


her goes some pics of how i have the light on her. there are ten 42 watt cfls on her. thats 420 watts on one plant. i hope it gets her through the last stages!!!


here goes a couple pics of my new pipe! its a souvenier.some friends went to mexico and brought this back for me!! and thats a pic of my zong filled with ak-48!!



Well-Known Member
there is a problem though. the leaves are turning purple. im not exactly sure what that means. im gona have to do some research.


there is also a spot on one of the buds that brown. im no sure what it is. it seems like a part of the bud has died or something. im not forsure on this either. its only on that one spaot. all the trichomes are cloudy so i guess i could harvest at any point. im gonna let her goe as long as possible!!!!!!

100_1834.jpg100_1835.jpg LIGHT BULB!! BING!!.... lol. anyways i was sitiing here smoking a bowl like the stoner i am and a just realised this could be caused from a light bulb. maybe a light touched it and fried it right there. actually i hope thats what it is b/c the dorr B is not good lol. all in all im very happy with this grow. it diddnt go perfect but i guess that a good thing so in future grow i will no how to fix my mistakes. the plus side is u still get really good bud!!


Well-Known Member
Those things look awesome Sharp! how much you think that one will yeild, did you ever weigh the early one? Just switched my lights to 12/12 today so im very stoked seeing the early results you were able to acheive. Bravo my friend, Bravo!


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot guys. i really apreciate. i diddnt want to weigh it wet and get my hopes up so im just going to wait for it to dry. by looking at the amount in the jar im still gonna stick with saying its about an ounce. i will deff tell you in a couple weeks!! i will be updating more often now since i have my camera back!!!


Well-Known Member
well the bud has been in a jar for a few days now. the smell is stronger than ever. its very tempting to smoke. the urge is overwelming but i have to stand my ground lol..... a couple more weeks and it will be ready to smoke. then my other plant will be ready to harvest!!!


Active Member
Nice man, I would have already broke down and smoked half of it haha I'm running out of heigth in my closet. My one girls just keeps growning, I'm. Gonna be fucked if it doesn't stop stretching soon. She has about another foot of clearance then idk what I'm gonna do. My other girl has stops growing veritcal so I'm hoping this one stops soon.


Well-Known Member
haha atleast your having a good problem! hopefully she stops soon. i think u will be fine though. yeah u will see soon, how hard it is to resist smoking it! glad everything is going good for ya.


Active Member
rsharp - Grats on your harvest man! Enjoy 8)

I hope I'm not crashing yer thread. I just wanted to post some pictures of my first grow, my AK48s seeing as our plants are related and all I thought I would stick the pictures here ;-)

Since my last post I've switched from flower to veg and my plants have revealed their sex with 3 out of 4 being girls :cheers: I culled the male and apologized to him and told him I hope he had a comfortable life the time he was given. The flush went poorly. I'm not sure what I did wrong but some leaves were damaged. My best guess: mixing it wrong or PH'ing it wrong and pouring the flushing solution over the leaves instead of directly into the soil. You can see the leaf damage in the picture below on the plants to the back and to the right.

Here's a shot I just took of the 3 plants day 52 from germination:

AK48 Day 52.jpg\

Nutrient regimen is Fox Farms Big Bloom and Grow Big in veg, with Microbe Brew and Kangraroots for beneficial bacteria and fungi in the root zone. I'm growing in dirt as you can tell. Switching to flower I changed to Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom and Open Sesame, all from Fox Farms. I made a trip to the hydro store yesterday and took delivery of some new nuits for my girls: Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin for strong stems, Botanicare Cal Mag for micro-nutrients, and fed some of that yesterday. My girls seem to like it because they look happy today.

Another shot you can see the hood and with the 600 watt HPS

Day 52 Tent.jpg

Here's the air scrubber:


Here's my "Ghetto" CO2 generator:"

Ghetto CO2.jpg

The 4" air duct:

4 Inch Duct.jpg

The CO2 generator is a portable propane heater intended for garages or duck blinds, or what ever. It gets cold where I live and this thing will generate heat along with CO2 for my plants this Winter. I have a CO2 monitor on order so I can keep an eye on the CO2 levels in my home. Since the fan from the tent is venting outside I know fresh air is being pulled in so I am comfortable with the safety of this setup in terms of CO2 and carbon monoxide.

Pet door vent:

Pet Door Vent.jpg

Thanks for looking at my pictures. If everything goes well I'll have some bud p0rn in the next month for everyone, and a smoke report in January.



Well-Known Member
hell ya Shimp! congrats on the 3 girls!! i really couldnt see the damage. i hope its not too bad. i love this ak-48. i harvested mine early but still have a couch lock high. evertime i smoke i just want to grab a pillow and some food and call it a nite. i dont know if uve smoked any or not but i guarentee it youll like it! this saturday im gonna harvest the other plant (7 weeks old) so i can start my next grow!!! Post pics anytime Shimp. i like seeing other grows!!!! see ya around!!


Active Member
Damn rharp i subbed awhile ago and havent been back here for a few weeks and your girls are bomb...+rep..Im impressed man. good job


Active Member
hell ya Shimp! congrats on the 3 girls!! i really couldnt see the damage. i hope its not too bad. i love this ak-48. i harvested mine early but still have a couch lock high. evertime i smoke i just want to grab a pillow and some food and call it a nite. i dont know if uve smoked any or not but i guarentee it youll like it! this saturday im gonna harvest the other plant (7 weeks old) so i can start my next grow!!! Post pics anytime Shimp. i like seeing other grows!!!! see ya around!!
Couchlock? Nivana advertises AK48's effect as cerebral and heady. But I've also heard it's as potent a strain as you will find with THC levels exceeding 20%. Strong medicine! I'll be back with bud pr0n in December 8)

Seeds are ready for the next crop: Arjan's Haze #3

Attitude rocks.jpg

Attitude Seed Bank rocks! I ordered 5 seeds. Mailed cash to the UK and this shows up in the mail a few weeks later! Seven freebies along with my order.

In the meantime, happy Thanksgiving to you rsharp and the other posters and lurkers in your thread.