First time PC Build/Grow


Well-Known Member
Damn bro haha tell all your fans to check out my grow too! Lol you have hella people into this thread.
LOL yeah more people check out the CFL grows in the CFL growing forum I've noticed.. Yours is sure coming along though, can't wait to check out your harvest.


Well-Known Member
yeah man...ur plants lookin good... i have seenthose thermometer/ humidity things before... they look to work well...


Well-Known Member
yeah man...ur plants lookin good... i have seenthose thermometer/ humidity things before... they look to work well...
Yeah there not bad, I think it was like $9 something plus tax.. But it also takes 1 AAA battery but I've had it 2 weeks and so far on the same battery, seems to work great and its digital which I love..


Well-Known Member
Yeah there not bad, I think it was like $9 something plus tax.. But it also takes 1 AAA battery but I've had it 2 weeks and so far on the same battery, seems to work great and its digital which I love..
Mines almost going on like 8 months so that battery should last you a while :) Same with my cheap digital ph tester, still callibrated still pumping!


Well-Known Member
Mines almost going on like 8 months so that battery should last you a while :) Same with my cheap digital ph tester, still callibrated still pumping!
Nice, yeah I bought 4 AAA batteries when I bought the thermometer so I'd have them. Still need to get a PH meter I will get one as soon as I can afford one (I know there are cheap ones but I really don't have the money for those atm)..


Well-Known Member
Hey all, checked in on the plant earlier to see how it was doing and it looks great.. Snapped a few pictures of the plant, after I took the pictures I was looking at it and counting the nodes and decided to FIM it now after the 3rd true node. I don't have pictures of that will post some pictures of the plant after the FIM tomorrow.

But enjoy its looking to me likes its primarily an indica strain. Anyone else think so?



Well-Known Member
yea man has alot of indica in it. fat wide leaves. looking good. watch the temps though looks like she is curling to stay cool.

peace dude


Well-Known Member
yea man has alot of indica in it. fat wide leaves. looking good. watch the temps though looks like she is curling to stay cool.

peace dude
Got a fan blowing right on it so I'm wondering if thats not what it is, plus humidity is only around 28% - 30% lights on and about 45% lights off, could this cause the leaves curling? Temps run about 80F min - 85F max lights on and 69F min - 74F max lights off..


Well-Known Member
85 is getting up there but a plant will grow. just have to water it twice as much.
Yeah its due to location of pc, it's average temp is around 80-81 now but has a tendency to get up to 85 before lights out. This is due to my wife wanting to go to sleep and not wanting our room to be 69-70 degrees lol..

It still seems to be growing great thought, I have a humidifier that I thought about hooking up to try keeping the humidity up around 45%-50%.. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You should be fine around 30%, and 80 degrees is almost perfect!! Shit I'm happy as ever if I see it 80 under my lights :)


Well-Known Member
You should be fine around 30%, and 80 degrees is almost perfect!! Shit I'm happy as ever if I see it 80 under my lights :)
lol, well smelly I went ahead and FIM'd it after 3rd node first grow and all wanted to see what would happen. Read where you can top after 3rd node, so I figured I'd give it a shot :weed:


Well-Known Member
lookin great... that bush is gonna treat you right... def best type of strain for a pc.... whati noticed about topping/fimming is that your intitial vertical growth stopps at the cut and your internodal growth is now your two newcolas... top both of those and youll have 4 new colas.... and so on and so on.... you get the idea right? i would def suggest lst to train those tops... man, i wish i would have gottena indica my first grow... did the seed come outta a bag of reggie? most of our regs down here are sativas...


Well-Known Member
lookin great... that bush is gonna treat you right... def best type of strain for a pc.... whati noticed about topping/fimming is that your intitial vertical growth stopps at the cut and your internodal growth is now your two newcolas... top both of those and youll have 4 new colas.... and so on and so on.... you get the idea right? i would def suggest lst to train those tops... man, i wish i would have gottena indica my first grow... did the seed come outta a bag of reggie? most of our regs down here are sativas...
well I FIM'd trying to get 4 main colas but I'll be ok with 2, yeah the seed came out of just a bag of mids in my area.. Got lucky on the indica dominant strain..