Not getting high


Active Member
I am a college student who first tried marijuana a week ago. I think I got high the first time, because I started laughing a lot and maybe felt something, but I'm not positive. Since then, I have smoked 4 other times, but have not gotten high at all. One time I felt nauseaus, but I don't think that counts.
Last night, I smoked with a couple friends. I had 3 hits, they each had 4. They were both extremely high (apparently, this was some very strong/good weed). I felt basically nothing.
I have had a cold for the past week or so, and I am wondering if that might cause it.
Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance,


Well-Known Member
well u probly didnt inhale correctly for one... try taken a hit then suckin in air so the smoke stays in ur lungs and hold it for few secs or more then exhale


Well-Known Member
I am a college student who first tried marijuana a week ago. I think I got high the first time, because I started laughing a lot and maybe felt something, but I'm not positive. Since then, I have smoked 4 other times, but have not gotten high at all. One time I felt nauseaus, but I don't think that counts.
Last night, I smoked with a couple friends. I had 3 hits, they each had 4. They were both extremely high (apparently, this was some very strong/good weed). I felt basically nothing.
I have had a cold for the past week or so, and I am wondering if that might cause it.
Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
I have heard before that it doesn't affect some people at all.
It is possible that you are one of those people and it has something to do with the fact that everyones brain responds differently to thc because your brain has thc receptors in it and they either don't respond to the increased level of thc in your body or they simply reject it,i don't know really,just something i heard a long time ago.
Try eating some and see what happens:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I didnt get high the first few times either. It took 5 dubbies the third of fourth time and I still didnt feel anything them I had a ciggarette and WHAM it hit me. I was so freakin stoned I couldnt move. Dont give up yet. You'll appreciate it when it does hit ya.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure I inhaled properly, since I did have quite a bit in me when I blew it out. I'm getting better at smoking, and I will keep trying, because there seems to be no side effects, haha (other than red eyes).

Thanks guys, I'll report back later.


Active Member
As anywhere says, you could be taking the smoke into your mouth and not into your lungs, so you wouldnt get any reaction to it.

Breath the smoke into your mouth, then take the joint away and inhale again without breathing out inbetween. Just two breaths inwards.

Edit: Just read your post, trying munching on some then to see if you get a reaction.

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Well-Known Member
always make sure you hold it in!!!!! til you feel light headed, if its chronic it will make you light headed off a big enuf hit... and YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOUR HIGH... tha first time i got stoned, i was in 7th grade sittin in front of 7-11 eating 12 different kinds chips, then passing out before walking to tha school dance and tripped out and dipped out lol... you should try taking a bong rip... or a blunt sesh... it shuld only take one GOOD hit...


Active Member
It's obvious what's happening here. This guy's some kind of drug-superhero. Fuckin' tolerance up in the oz region I bet. Shiiiit. I got an idea man, when your friends sit around taking hits from the bong, just grab an iv bag, fill 'er up with heroin and I'm sure after that you'll get a nice little buzz going.


Well-Known Member
yah buzz from the sirens of the fukin abulance comeing to take him to da mourge or how ever u spell that shit


Active Member
Yeah, I was considering heroin (haha).
I'm gunna try holding it in for longer tonight, although the other people with me hold in much shorter and get much higher.
We've been smoking out of a pipe, and the one time I tried the bong, I didn't like it as much.
We'll see.


Active Member
85% of the TCH is absorbed into your blood in the first 3 seconds, the more you hold it in, the more shit in the smoke is also being absorbed into your blood. The only thing holding it in for longer does is make you feel light headed from shortness of breath.


Well-Known Member
Lol, man the first time i got high I think i was more stoned than I will ever be again in my life. Well actually no.. It's a weird high. All laugh, cluttered mind but not a mixed up mind. After a few times my highs just made me think everything and anything but then again I started off with bad weed. I have been getting som ereal nice chronic from my dealer after that but I just got another bag of bullshit. You need to try other types of weed because you might like an Indica/Sativa type high better. There's only certain blends my mind responds to best and they're hard to come by. Make yourself a bong.. I remember my first REAL bong hit.. I passed out while I was standing and laughing hysterically every second of the way. That was great weed............. One note - A bunch of smoke coming out isn't always the best. That just means you're not holding it in your lungs. As it is held in your lungs all the smoke gets "eaten up" so if you take A HUGE HIT and saw a BUNCH of smoke in your bongs chamber but your breath came out clear you know you held the shit right. Most people pass out this way with good hits + good weed so I'm sure you'll at least feel pretty damned high.


Active Member
Well, I'm looking for any tips here.
I am pretty sure the smoke is going into my lungs based on the volume that I breathe out. I did breathe in air after I breathed in the smoke, to clear the pipe. I also coughed a bit, which kind of implies that I breathed it in properly.

I have been told to hold it in for 6 seconds, and the people I have been smoking with hold it in for less than that. One seems to think that my attitude is holding down the high, but last night, both of the people I was with were saying the world was spinning after 4 hits, and I had 3... I dont think attitude would do that much in that case.

I've tried a couple different weeds, and the first one got me a little high, but the second time I used that same weed, nothing happened.

How long should I hold it in for, and are there any tips?
Thanks guys,


Well-Known Member
if you cough hard you inhaled correctly, bottom line:blsmoke: no but seriously though, inhale so hard that you cough really hard (but not feel like throwing up) and you'll get a great high, easy for beginners. Another great way to tell how high you are is to just listen to some music bro. Good music.....:blsmoke:

Currently listening to

Young Buck
"Puff Puff Pass"



Well-Known Member
hmm idk maybe u need to wait a few moretimes ik i didnt get high till my uh like 6th time but if u take a good hit then suck in air to where u open ur mouth and smoke is in ur lungs and doesnt come out def means u took a good hit just make sure u take like 10 hits lol or u guys r smoken some mexican dirt that wudnt make a baby get high


Active Member
I'm gunna probably give up soon, lol. I smoked an hour ago, and nothing. The other 3 are reelin' they definately are high.
I'll try inhaling hard, like Live2Die420 suggests.
Thanks guys