marijuana/hash, LSD, LSA, cocaine, heroin, alprazolam, diazepam and i'm sure a few other stupid "am's", mushrooms, mescaline/peyote, 2C-B, 2C-E, PCP (laced weed, scary and weird), MDPV, 4-aco-dmt, oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, codeine, diphenhydramine, DXM, nutmeg, alcohol, perscription speed (adderall, concerta, amphetamine salts), meth (accidentally in e pills), MDMA, ketamine, caffeine (I only count this one because a friend and I were bored once and made grams of pure caffeine from No-Doz tablets, stupid I know), DMT/changa, methylone, cocaine freebase (homemade, I know it's technically crack but I'm too ashamed to call it that), absinthe (the REAL absinthe, noticeably different from a normal alcohol intoxication), yopo snuff (ouch...that's all i have to say), datura/belladonna/nightshade (I was once stupid enough to try to discern if there is any noticeable difference in effects from these three plants...there are not. I will never touch them again.) nitrous, the list goes on and on...
I used to like to experiment, thankfully most of the substances on this list I have only tried once and come to find that good ol' marijuana and psychedelics are really the only drugs I feel are worthwhile, and they do the least physical damage of all. That's the way it should be!