Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

"yeah I'll just go to wall-mart... or the local gun store."


"yeah, I'll live out in the country and I have lots of ammo, I'll be fine"


My plan is rock solid. stay put and let all the trigger happy wanna be survivalists kill each other. I'll eat bugs and weeds and live in the abandoned now dry sewer system till every worthless mouth breathing feeder in America is dead. then I will ascend the throne by handing out cans of dog food and fruit cocktail, I am god. All your bitches are belong to me. I am the zombie king.
that one is pretty easy does it come out of the sheath? id want my on my left shoulder so i could reach up with my right hand and grab in the event a brainsucker got too close.
Honestly, I want to make a custom stiff scabbard for it because the sheath it comes with is a fucking joke. You better have that bitch pulled out. I think I know how to make it though that will allow for a quick draw everytime, if it works like I think it will it will allow you to draw and strike at the same time smoothly...
"yeah I'll just go to wall-mart... or the local gun store."


"yeah, I'll live out in the country and I have lots of ammo, I'll be fine"


My plan is rock solid. stay put and let all the trigger happy wanna be survivalists kill each other. I'll eat bugs and weeds and live in the abandoned now dry sewer system till every worthless mouth breathing feeder in America is dead. then I will ascend the throne by handing out cans of dog food and fruit cocktail, I am god. All your bitches are belong to me. I am the zombie king.
Oh, look, the troll came out from under the bridge. Surely you can come up with something better than that to start an argument...
i dont know if living in a sewer is a good'll probably die of hepatitis or some other crazy shit...zombies will probably be in the sewer as well..lots of ammo, and a big ass truck will get you out of the city..once your in the country survival will be easy if you have the lets just hope the zombie virus doesnt spread to other animals(i.e. birds, k-9's, etc) nothing worse than zombie pigeons coming for your ass
i dont know if living in a sewer is a good'll probably die of hepatitis or some other crazy shit...zombies will probably be in the sewer as well..lots of ammo, and a big ass truck will get you out of the city..once your in the country survival will be easy if you have the lets just hope the zombie virus doesnt spread to other animals(i.e. birds, k-9's, etc) nothing worse than zombie pigeons coming for your ass
†L† that would be fucking horrific, a flock full of the zombie bastards, you would need a flame thrower...oh, wait...already made one....nah, I'm good... :fire: No, but seriously, that would suck ass...wait...would they be able to fly as well? Or would it be clumsy?
i would imagine some could fly..or it would just be some good ol fun kicking staggering zombie pigeons..or maybe a nice golf driver to get some distance..
you guys do know that about 7billion people will have the exact same "flea to the country" idea? right? you'll end up getting stuck in the mob of the clusterfuck exodus. the "raid the wallmart" is also just about the most common idea out there.

people who currently live in the "country" will have to deal with squatters. and roving bands of cannibals. people in cities will probably end up kill eachother/waiting for rescue/exodus-to be killed on the road

sewers aren't so bad. and after a few weeks of no utilities, at least in my municipality where the rain carries the sewage out of the city, it will be clean in no time. not to mention you can move freely about the city silently,invisibly, and free of obstruction.

you know the food you eat grows in poop. just sayin.

and the only way a zed can get into the sewer is if someone lifts a hatch for them, and even then their isn't much reason for a zed to go down in there. better options on the surface, even if they are that intelligent
you guys do know that about 7billion people will have the exact same "flea to the country" idea? right? you'll end up getting stuck in the mob of the clusterfuck exodus. the "raid the wallmart" is also just about the most common idea out there.

people who currently live in the "country" will have to deal with squatters. and roving bands of cannibals. people in cities will probably end up kill eachother/waiting for rescue/exodus-to be killed on the road

sewers aren't so bad. and after a few weeks of no utilities, at least in my municipality where the rain carries the sewage out of the city, it will be clean in no time. not to mention you can move freely about the city silently,invisibly, and free of obstruction.

you know the food you eat grows in poop. just sayin.
Good thinking!:-D Dead in a minute on the streets.
you guys do know that about 7billion people will have the exact same "flea to the country" idea? right? you'll end up getting stuck in the mob of the clusterfuck exodus. the "raid the wallmart" is also just about the most common idea out there.

people who currently live in the "country" will have to deal with squatters. and roving bands of cannibals. people in cities will probably end up kill eachother/waiting for rescue/exodus-to be killed on the road

sewers aren't so bad. and after a few weeks of no utilities, at least in my municipality where the rain carries the sewage out of the city, it will be clean in no time. not to mention you can move freely about the city silently,invisibly, and free of obstruction.

you know the food you eat grows in poop. just sayin.
yeah not human poop tho..and its not just human shit in sewers..there is urine, and fem hygiene shit(fuckin MAD gross!)and god know what fuck a sewer..and yeah raiding walmart is retarded, thats why you have to be prepared now. and there is a ton of country in america, and not everyone will have the means to get there...there isnt 7 billion people in the states, and half of them will be zombies anyway
that would be disturbingly funny to see a flock of zombie pigeons doing the flying equivalent of staggering....†L† If everyone survived you could submit it to the halloween additions of america's funniest animals... :p
yeah not human poop tho..and its not just human shit in sewers..there is urine, and fem hygiene shit(fuckin MAD gross!)and god know what fuck a sewer..and yeah raiding walmart is retarded, thats why you have to be prepared now. and there is a ton of country in America, and not everyone will have the means to get there...there isnt 7 billion people in the states, and half of them will be zombies anyway

so by that logic it's okay to eat cow/chicken/fish poop, but even being anywhere near human feces is out of the question? even during a zombie apocalypse? well, more room for me then I suppose.

you do know that the whole zombie thing is just a metaphor for when the shit hits the fan right?

and there actually isn't that much "usable/fertile country" left in America. not enough to be shared by all the trigger happy morons anyway. you got to think of "land" as what resources are actually contained by it, and not so much square mileage. where's the clean water? where is the food? i can tell you right now, when this goes down the deer species in America will most likely be hunted to extinction.


I am taking this too seriously. I am sorry.
6 billion. Um...thats alot of people considering as we speak were around 310-311 million people. Thats less than a third of 1 billion. post zombie outbreak? I'd say 10, maybe 15 million. Walmart would be fun as hell, because it would be filled with zombies, most of which were people that never got out of there with their supplies, so with a small team you could secure the walmart (ie kill all zombies within) than fortify the area...or just stalk up and get out...
so by that logic it's okay to eat cow/chicken/fish poop, but even being anywhere near human feces is out of the question? even during a zombie apocalypse? well, more room for me then I suppose.

you do know that the whole zombie thing is just a metaphor for when the shit hits the fan right?

and there actually isn't that much "usable/fertile country" left in America. not enough to be shared by all the trigger happy morons anyway. you got to think of "land" as what resources are actually contained by it, and not so much square mileage. where's the clean water? where is the food? i can tell you right now, when this goes down the deer species in America will most likely be hunted to extinction.


I am taking this too seriously. I am sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry your still talking...'cause I stopped reading....
Just do like Bill Murray did in "Zombieland" and use makeup to make yourself look like them and walk and act like them and blend in with them and they'd ignore you. He even went golfing without needing a tee time or needing to wait.
so by that logic it's okay to eat cow/chicken/fish poop, but even being anywhere near human feces is out of the question? even during a zombie apocalypse? well, more room for me then I suppose.

you do know that the whole zombie thing is just a metaphor for when the shit hits the fan right?

and there actually isn't that much "usable/fertile country" left in America. not enough to be shared by all the trigger happy morons anyway. you got to think of "land" as what resources are actually contained by it, and not so much square mileage. where's the clean water? where is the food? i can tell you right now, when this goes down the deer species in America will most likely be hunted to extinction.


I am taking this too seriously. I am sorry.
either way..the shit hitting the fan or a zombie outbreak..i'll be good. im already fully prepared.
Just do like Bill Murray did in "Zombieland" and use makeup to make yourself look like them and walk and act like them and blend in with them and they'd ignore you. He even went golfing without needing a tee time or needing to wait.
He was hilarious in that movie!:lol:

That brings up a good question. How do the Zombies know to eat us and not each other:?::leaf:
Just do like Bill Murray did in "Zombieland" and use makeup to make yourself look like them and walk and act like them and blend in with them and they'd ignore you. He even went golfing without needing a tee time or needing to wait.
That shit was funny as hell..., but then you got to stay away from humans that might shoot you on instinct...†L† I couldn't believe they killed bill like that...
Only those unprepared should fear the zombies. Get a solar generator(noise and cooking smells will give you away quickly so don't cook outside if you can help it) have plenty of food from and plenty of ammo. Band with neighbors you know and trust, have plenty of ammo and anyone that is in the band should have a talent or job to do. Also have plenty of ammo so that when the scurge comes to your neighborhood you can defend it. Most people are going to flee, so I'll stay at my home and protect it as long as I can, with a GOOD(get out of dodge) plan ready to go. I have cooking supplies, tents, ruck sacks, food, sleeping bags, heavy and light clothing, boots, knives, and plenty of ammo. Did I mention that you should have plenty of ammo yet? :-P