The Irish Growers Thread!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
yea? anyone else think dat?
Tho's little flowers are pollen sacs, try and nip them off before they open.Also they look like there nearly ready to pop, this will pollinate the shit out of your plant and you will get a load of seed in your weed, so taking them off should slow down the problem.


Active Member
hi guys,havn't been round for a while and thought i'd drop a had 11 plants outside.we went for a look at them a 2 days after halloween and we hadn't seen them in about a asn't a pretty site at all!few were knocked over,worse than any other time,and there was alot of bad mould on them so chopped all and left 1.even when we trimmed them and hung them up for a day some more mould began to grow on them...not so good,ended up throwin bout half of it out id say.....but the plant that was left there only got chopped a week ago and is drying out lovely and there is fuck all mould on it....overall,a few oz,not toooo bad!


Well-Known Member
dude,defo a hermi,get the balls off quick! just be super vigilant! also,might be worth spraying the balls with water before you take them off,that way if they do burst, the water should keep the poolen on the ball.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Any ever tryed growing mushrooms lads? Nearly looks easy'r than growing weed.

Im thinking of giving it a shot in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Right lads, I have a bit of bag seed germinating on a trial run. If they don't pop by the weekend I'm going to order seeds off Nirvana. I'm looking at white widow, ak-48, or northern lights. I've heard the ak and northern lights are fairly forgiving for a noob like myself, but I've no idea about the white widow. What would ye reccommend for a first timer??

Also the seeds and stalks are legal, but plants, leaves, or their product are illegal. I only know because I printed off a copy of the legislation there recently, brought it to a Howard Marks show, and had him sign it!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the size of the pics...
Here is a couple of pics of my grow..
This a Church ready for some clones to be taken..

Seen as I've had problems with the soil mix and lighting and making my grow longer than intended, I've decided to hold off on the flowering stage and add these

And here they are a little while ago, sitting on their heat pad, fingers crossed it all works out..

This is a clone from a strain that i have created.

The Russain Rocket fuel was suppose to be for Christmas.. :-(
Its the first runt I have come across.. She was planted on 4th Oct
Here she is on the 20th Oct

And here she is today

Not a great pic but this is a Purple widow, she isn't looking the best with her 3 bladed leaves and long thin branches..
I'm hoping to take a few clones off her soon too.

I have grown it before and think it looks and tastes lovely, here is pics from previouse grow..



Well-Known Member
Looks like the inside of a shed - how do you keep your temps right? Just asking because my grow space is on an external wall and it gets shit cold in there. I've insulated the bejaysus out of it but I'd say I'll still need a heater at night.


Active Member
Alright lads, Dubliner here.

Been lurking the forums and getting lots of info.

Quick question fo ya. Will an auto grow under a 125w cfl 6400k start to finish?

Cheers lads

P.S. Jay, that older purple widow you grew looks savage man:leaf::leaf::clap:


Well-Known Member
Looks like the inside of a shed - how do you keep your temps right? Just asking because my grow space is on an external wall and it gets shit cold in there. I've insulated the bejaysus out of it but I'd say I'll still need a heater at night.
Well spotted Maul....
It does get a little cool in there at times but by running my lights at night and don't have fans running whilst the light is off,
Doing autos at this time of year really suits, I'm running two 250 bulbs which keeps the room warm enough. My shed roof never gets frost on it!! Just hope the neighbours don't figure it out
Id harvest now, if you tke the pollen sacs off now youll fertilise the plants, only takes a tiny bit of pollen, and your tch levels will start to drop. I wouldnt wait, id cut it down and smoke it.


Active Member
Jimmycent was answering yes to my question about the 125watt light.

What are you growing yourself Doiremick?

I have just planted my Haze auto:-P