Forcing a blarkmarket for a product increase crime, IMOP.


Active Member
My stepson until a few days ago did what I did at his age (around 19) for a little spare cash I sold small amounts of Marijuana, to my friends. Well recently I've been warning my stepson that the business isn't what it once was people will do desperate things for a little bit of pot. (In my opinion due to the recession in my country.) Well I haven't been on RIU recently due handling business after something that happened a few days ago. Someone my stepson was "supposedly" friends with (a real friend huh...) set him up to be robbed for what is in this market $400 dollars worth of cannabis. Once the guns came out and my stepson realized it was a jack move he gave up the pot as no amount of weed is worth your life. One of the two men with guns still had a firearm aimed at my stepsons head and he pulled the hammer back even after he gave up the pot. At this point the friend that had accompanied my stepson realized these people had no intent of letting them go. He charged and the firearm missed my boy's head by a matter of inches. The guy who saved my boys life was then pistolwhipped and shot in the back twice by the other guy the shots narrowly missed his spine. He was about to fire a third shot when his accomplice yelled at him fuck it he's dead and they both disapearred into the night. An 18 year old young man was shot, a 15 year old boy from the apartment complex next door was shot in the head from a stray shot my boy will likely have nightmares for the rest of his life. My boy co-operated fully with the police and they hopefully will soon be making an arrest. (And before anyone says a word about snitichin' 1 young man died that night. There is reason enough right there.) Now we're all moving and my boy may have to testify...

The point of this horrific tale is one thing. Marijuana prohibition hurts more than it helps. If anyone looks and compared the alchohol prohibition of the 1920's and the blackmarket it created and how the market was abolished following regulation of alchohol. Same for cannabis.

It's time for a change it's time for regulation.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I feel for you my friend - I have older children & I fear for their well being more often than a father should have to.
How's the 18 year old doing?
As far as snitching - we're wayyy beyond the need to keep quiet, those fuckers need to be put under ground.


Active Member
He came out of the hospital a few days ago, he'll be going through a lot of aftercare (and soon physical therapy) and no idea what permanent nerve damage it caused but we're all thankful his spine was missed, and more than that he'll live.

My old lady feel's the same way you express. It's been a little over a week now and my hands still shake remembering coming home that night and how angry I was until I saw her. Then I remembered something very imporant to me as a person. I felt blind hate for a moment then, and hate is no good it makes you sick inside and clouds your judgement. I do not hate these men, in fact I am not even angry any more. I pity them, because I appreciate some of the irony of their soon fate. To end a man can be a relief maybe make you feel better for a moment but it does nothing to them really but bring them to peace. These men will have to live there lives remembering that they live in a cage because of a stupid choice over a few hundred dollars that ended up taking a poor kids life and nearly two. I will soon be at peace knowing from now until death by mother nature, or God whatever it may be that he will never find peace again. Sometime death, is an easy way out.

I feel for you my friend - I have older children & I fear for their well being more often than a father should have to.
How's the 18 year old doing?
As far as snitching - we're wayyy beyond the need to keep quiet, those fuckers need to be put under ground.