Susan Estrich Blows The Rigged Election Wide Open


Well-Known Member
I find your account quite disturbing med ... they claim that caucus can't be stolen ... sounds like they can indeed ... as far as I am concerned who ever is elected will be illegitimate ... that is obvious by all these reports ...we MUST have free, fair, open, no corporate involvement elections ... only then can we restore the Republic ...

My local primaries are 100% legitimate. Paper ballots(bubble sheets) that are easy to read and nice old ladies who handle the polls. The last time an exit poll check was ran it was right on with the results. Its only the losers that bitch about nonsense.


Well-Known Member
What i have seen is growrebel and medicine constantly posting links to back up their alligations and all VI and CC have been doing is calling them dirty libs..


Well-Known Member
What i have seen is growrebel and medicine constantly posting links to back up their alligations and all VI and CC have been doing is calling them dirty libs..

They post links back to sites with no credibility and no evidence. The only credible(source) link was a NYT article on the canidates that wanted a recount and it did not provide any evidence that actual "fraud" had occured. Those two(GR and Med) make unbased acusations all of the time and get upset when I want proof of crimes. Evidence is needed against any criminal, but these two rely on lies and hearsay. If these machines were accesed by "hackers" and proof existed of it; the hackers would already be in custody.


Well-Known Member
You fail to open your eyes and see how corrupt the government is.There is fraud and if you dont believe it You need to stop letting the government dumb you down.


Well-Known Member
Of course then again. Im just a 9/11 truth seeking nutjob.I watch all of alex jones's broadcasts.I watched Terrorstorm 10 times.Dont buy into my propaganda


Well-Known Member
What i have seen is growrebel and medicine constantly posting links to back up their alligations and all VI and CC have been doing is calling them dirty libs..
Yep ... you got it ... and when it proves them wrong ... they go with ... or well that not a credible source ... there's no evidence ... that really makes them look stupid ... but they don't care ... people that support war criminals usually are pretty stupid or extremely rich ...

and you are right ...they will not back up their statements ... because they can't.



Well-Known Member
Yep ... you got it ... and when it proves them wrong ... they go with ... or well that not a credible source ... there's no evidence ... that really makes them look stupid ... but they don't care ... people that support war criminals usually are pretty stupid or extremely rich ...

and you are right ...they will not back up their statements ... because they can't.

You have not given any proof. Absolutley none. I dont have to back up any statement. I want proof. I have nothing to prove. You are responsible for proving fraud you and have not. You bitch and bitch and bitch, but that is not proof. You site sources(other "fraud" sites) that have no credibility in the real world. I have yet to see any proof. But you don't need proof. You will just lie and bitch and lie and bitch untill the world stops listening to your lies. Thats not winning people over, thats making your cause look even worse.