Blue cheese/cheese grows


just cause I've been on yall about this elsewhere tonight, just wanna make it clear that this is only acceptable because he had to go make a duplicate account 2mins after a lil 2day ban..... otherwise not cool to poke the wildlife ;)


New Member
good advice heard they might have rabies too

just cause I've been on yall about this elsewhere tonight, just wanna make it clear that this is only acceptable because he had to go make a duplicate account 2mins after a lil 2day ban..... otherwise not cool to poke the wildlife ;)


Active Member
hahahaha look whats been goin on since i havnt been rnd,fab,regg,rene,gogrow haha u make me laugh people
rawbuds been terrorised i think u should just give in mate,thers gonna be a thread about u soon
pictures of the blue cheese will be with u all in 3-4 days when its dry
just sat here for about 20 mins and red all that shit hahaha amusin while thers no bud porn lol


New Member
did you see raws new avatar pretty dress

hahahaha look whats been goin on since i havnt been rnd,fab,regg,rene,gogrow haha u make me laugh people
rawbuds been terrorised i think u should just give in mate,thers gonna be a thread about u soon
pictures of the blue cheese will be with u all in 3-4 days when its dry
just sat here for about 20 mins and red all that shit hahaha amusin while thers no bud porn lol


Well-Known Member
Well abm he certainly portrays himself as one personally I just think he is confused poor mmm cheese pics can't wait..haha can you tell I love my pics? Btw abm I owe you some rep for the intrusion again....I have to spread some around first!


Active Member
haha hes a target on this website wtf's he been doing,yer the pics r good i love pics myself and rene nice 1 for the rep


Well-Known Member
Haha I tried to tell raw he didn't want to listen...oh well haha and thanks man I'm going to keep up on your thread or try! Haha can't keep up unless I'm on 2 connections usually!


Active Member
haha i guess not,thanks for stickin rnd rene few more days till pics,gonna start a new grow aswell,blue cheese
will upload pics on this thread
good things comin up hopefully


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man sound like it well I'm along for the ride! Man I've been growing over a year and can't get my shit right lol oh and btw way to make my ladies look pathetic on my thread haha your cheese posted first lol


Active Member
same here,ive been growing for about year and a half now,i grow with the canna nutes with coco and coco soil
cant go wrong if u ask me,auto trays and auto pots easiest thing ever and u get the best weed from it
how do u grow?
name your shit


Well-Known Member
Well I grow ffof soil I have some shitty organic nutes never remember the name lol and sucanat in flower...I have a 600w hps for flower, my veg lights are 150w mh 4'tube fluorescent, and 2' growing bagseed right now to kinda play around have one purple lights ill be harvesting tomorrow maybe tonight who knows..but I am going to try to rejuvenate 2 of them well maybe 3 rest are garbage imo


Well-Known Member
Hey, AMB, you grew out the Chiesel from Big Budda yet? Got to give it a go man! Just got 2 great pheno's from 2 seeds. Check out the journal in my Sig. dude!


Active Member
rene my advice to u is to get a bit of money together and go for the coco soil and canna nutes,ther quite cheap the boost is a bit dear but well worth the money
give it a try


Well-Known Member
I have seen good things about cocoa and canna nutes however have done much research lately..right now I am just trying to get organized just built a huge grow box most the problem was light leaks...also need to find a better store to buy my I go to has a terrible selection :(