You Know You're a Stoner if....


Well-Known Member
take a rip, lose the lighter, ten min later rip again, misplaces lighter again. find it again, rip and lost.... Total distance moved-4feet


Well-Known Member
I dont know if anyone has said this one yet but im gonna add it know your a stoner when you can make a bong out of a juice bottle, a tube, and duck tape.


Well-Known Member
You know your a stoner if you pull into the gas station blazed and freak out because you cannot for the life of you remember which side of your car the gas tank is on.


Well-Known Member
You know your a stoner if you pull into the gas station blazed and freak out because you cannot for the life of you remember which side of your car the gas tank is on.
lol ive done this, but i was so high i thought ide smooth it over by.....turning around the pumps to the other side, only to realize the same side of my whip was facing the pumps still and still coulndt fill up
I'll give it a shot, "you know you're a stoner when..." you know what, I can't. I just have a hard time seeing even "excessive" smoking as enough of a negative or stereotype to call someone a "stoner" in that way, it just sounds so negative, like, "look at that stoner, he can't even pick up his cell phone to order a pizza he's so baked," when being that relaxed is basically the point of smoking some nice indica, or saying "wow, that's a stoner, he just resin ripped an empty roach paper!" Or something like "That guy is such a stoner, he just spent three hours smashing up old stems and now he's making tea with it!" Okay, so a couple of those might be funny, or true, but still, I don't like to stereotype. ya know what I mean? lol.


Active Member
I'll give it a shot, "you know you're a stoner when..." you know what, I can't. I just have a hard time seeing even "excessive" smoking as enough of a negative or stereotype to call someone a "stoner" in that way, it just sounds so negative, like, "look at that stoner, he can't even pick up his cell phone to order a pizza he's so baked," when being that relaxed is basically the point of smoking some nice indica, or saying "wow, that's a stoner, he just resin ripped an empty roach paper!" Or something like "That guy is such a stoner, he just spent three hours smashing up old stems and now he's making tea with it!" Okay, so a couple of those might be funny, or true, but still, I don't like to stereotype. ya know what I mean? lol.
We are all "stoners" here! We are the stereotype, but we dont conform to that stereotype. Fuck all the people that say otherwise.

since I am here, on my way home last night i got lost 5 times on backroads that i used to grow up on. Looking back now, I know exactly where I was. Gotta love that green!
I suppose you've got a point there, alright, here's one more, "You know you're a stoner when you're sitting in 'the circle' waiting on your turn, you look at everyone for the rotation, then get frustrated and say "where the fuck is that joint!" only to realize it's in YOUR hand and people are waiting on YOU!" I'd give that one about a 7/10, even though I just wrote it, it sounds old already.


Well-Known Member
I suppose you've got a point there, alright, here's one more, "You know you're a stoner when you're sitting in 'the circle' waiting on your turn, you look at everyone for the rotation, then get frustrated and say "where the fuck is that joint!" only to realize it's in YOUR hand and people are waiting on YOU!" I'd give that one about a 7/10, even though I just wrote it, it sounds old already.
haha i think ive done that once or twice