Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
EF and AC.....cool....thanks for dropping on in....and for the thoughts....muchly appreciated........the final weeks now.....CANYOUSAYEXCITED?!! hahahahahaha TOTALLY!


Well-Known Member
did someone say GRAPEFRUIT??!!!! :? FTW is with THAT?!! well I go in to check on the girls....and I'm like looking around, dipping in under the branches, pulling colas aside to take a look in the back.....Ihave to say.....I am pleased ....I am so very pleased...they are really starting to get like....well like in some many of the pics that I have seen.....and my babies are growninin up :hump:....so they get some water.....and close the door.

walk upstairs. sit down, hand comes to face and ...and....WHOAAAAA what's that???? GRAPEFRUIT......unmistakable? totally unmistakable. I presume that is the BigBud plants? the top44 is more oily, dieselly....but that other smell is like just immediately after you peel a grapefruit......I was so shocked.....WHAT A COOL SMELL! anyhoo....they be growin', they be packin' on da weight, they be lookin sweeter and sweeter everyday! and the sistas ...they too be doin' great under the 200W CFL. clones are 6 weeks today. One is a little slower and a runt....the other three are going to be monster bushes.....just like mom (Top44). I can't wait to get them under the super HPS.....


Well-Known Member
Maybe you did get a good pheno of that bigbud tahoe.
When i saw it i thought it looked like a very good example of bigbud.
Much better than the old bigbud anyway:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey Nat. thanks for your visit. and your comments to me about that the other day came back to me....when I smelled that? I thought well that is just most interesting isn't it? the top colas are getting incredibly dense and fat and resinous.....very very appealing......I cannot WAIT to have the properly dried and cured......hmmmmmmhhhhhmmmmmmm......!!!


Well-Known Member
hey Nat. thanks for your visit. and your comments to me about that the other day came back to me....when I smelled that? I thought well that is just most interesting isn't it? the top colas are getting incredibly dense and fat and resinous.....very very appealing......I cannot WAIT to have the properly dried and cured......hmmmmmmhhhhhmmmmmmm......!!!
Bigbud is the mother of most of them in all truth.
Ive grown plenty of it in the past,adapts to just about anything you throw at it.
Its also great for adding size and structure to small plants.
Try crossing it with lavender and then hashplant if i were you:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
cool....thanks for the recommendations...I expect I might well be into that part of this hobby sooner than I think.....cheers!


Well-Known Member
did someone say GRAPEFRUIT??!!!! :? FTW is with THAT?!! well I go in to check on the girls....and I'm like looking around, dipping in under the branches, pulling colas aside to take a look in the back.....Ihave to say.....I am pleased ....I am so very pleased...they are really starting to get like....well like in some many of the pics that I have seen.....and my babies are growninin up :hump:....so they get some water.....and close the door.

walk upstairs. sit down, hand comes to face and ...and....WHOAAAAA what's that???? GRAPEFRUIT......unmistakable? totally unmistakable. I presume that is the BigBud plants? the top44 is more oily, dieselly....but that other smell is like just immediately after you peel a grapefruit......I was so shocked.....WHAT A COOL SMELL! anyhoo....they be growin', they be packin' on da weight, they be lookin sweeter and sweeter everyday! and the sistas ...they too be doin' great under the 200W CFL. clones are 6 weeks today. One is a little slower and a runt....the other three are going to be monster bushes.....just like mom (Top44). I can't wait to get them under the super HPS.....
that is awesome tahoe,,WooooooooHooooooooo,,(whistle whistle),,Cheeeeeers,,Bravo:hump:,,looking good man,,you must be as stoked as I ,,mine will be 8 weeks on Monday,,your efforts are soon to be reaped,,good feeling,,nice work my man,,you are totally walkin on,,by the way,,hadda go back a couple pages for last pics,,where's the babies,,or did I just miss them

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
If your lucky you'll be able to get a big lavender plant and then if you cross the result with hashplant you'll have a big fruity tric covered resin producer:blsmoke:
Its something i am going to do in the future.
I have hundreds of crosses planned and not enough life time left:mrgreen::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
well....thanks for sharing that.....if I happen to get to such a point...I'll call it Natmoon's ___________ dunno yet!


Well-Known Member
hey HoLE.....thanks for your visit.....yupper...pretty frickin tight now....yea pics.....that'll have to be tomorrow.....they be sleeping right now....:blsmoke:
that is awesome tahoe,,WooooooooHooooooooo,,(whistle whistle),,Cheeeeeers,,Bravo:hump:,,looking good man,,you must be as stoked as I ,,mine will be 8 weeks on Monday,,your efforts are soon to be reaped,,good feeling,,nice work my man,,you are totally walkin on,,by the way,,hadda go back a couple pages for last pics,,where's the babies,,or did I just miss them

Keep on Growin


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
WOW!!! Very nice looking buds there tahoe.. I am very impressed. Did you put up that blue sign over the grow room door yet?

Top44 is a Sativa right, Tahoe? if so, how tall are they right now? and what else did you have to look after for trouble?

Also, you are growing in Soil, right?


Well-Known Member
hello dc...welcome back. yes they have advanced. I have only started flushing yesterday. they are gaining in girth mostly now....and they are becoming quick a bit more compact....fuller....I am still thinking a couple more weeks. I am in no rush really....I want to try and make this crop reach its potential.

Good things come to those who wait....
Clearex is a good product to flush with...check it out..
Botanicare : Product Overview : Nutrients


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha....hey LDB....thats funny....I totally forgot abut that (what was that sign again?).....I should get one! Top44 is said to be indica dominant....but this plant is certainly sativa dominant - at least in growth form - I tied over and supercropped and then supercropped again, and again and again.....this plant will not necessarily win any "pretty in form" contest - its this massive tangle of stem and buddage everywhere - sort of a mess but ....... it'll be interesting what the final smoke and stone is like - I have cheated and tried an early bud but I suppose its still so immature. the stone is very uppity but I expect it will change as the buds continue to mature. and yea, soil (professilnal potter soil from local garden supply store).

morning DC......yea that is one of the products that I have heard many god things about. I am really looking forward to preparing these girls as best I can for a good harvest. Some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow and the buds just seem to grow phatter and stickerier ...... its really quite a sight! I can't wait to put the four clones under the super HPS. I expect that they will just exlode....


Well-Known Member
hey crazy...thanks for dropping on by....i'll post some pic later tonight.....I drop over to check out urs too!


Well-Known Member
hey SW - thanks man....i'll raise a couple of those with you.....not long now but might FEEL the longest ever! hahahahaha!


Well-Known Member
Hey Tahoe....Salute!

and a nice bit of single malt maybe?

I love this stuff......it's sweet like honey and goes down so smooth, like some fine hash in a bong!! I finished my bottle off over x-mas, but I can just go to the shop and buy some more of this anytime......

I just wish I could fix my non existent weed stash in the same way! :joint:


Well-Known Member
hahahaha...single malts! one of my true weaknesses....I love them....we have trouble getting good....or if you do you pay through the nose for it.....my favorite for ys had been Lagavulin.....but since I have tried some others that I too find very good....can't remember offhand.....I spent some time in Kentucky a couple of years ago...and toured the Woodford Reserve (one of the oldest Bourbon distilleries)....I REALLY like that though I am not necessarily a bourbon drinker...Woodford Reserve


Well-Known Member
Ya, I love the stuff....in moderation of course ;)

Not a bourbon man either, but that sounds nice!

I'm quite lucky and travel in Europe quite a bit as part of my job, mostly in Holland and Belgium. I always drive over, if possible, and then fill up my boot with nice cheap belgium beers and tax free single malt whiskey on the way back, cheap cigarettes too! :)

In the supermarkets over here, it's taxed to fuck, just like for you guys, but maybe not quite as badly.

It's quite ironic...I can buy a nice bottle of highland signle malt cheaper in France than I can in Scotland!
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