marijuana alternatives, herbal smoke

Matt J

I was tryin to figure out what all you have to extract, mix or whatever like wild dagga, DAMIANA , JWH-018, blue lotus, wild lettuce,
Blue Lily, Kratom, Klip Dagga, etc.. to make spice or a way of mixes these to come up with a marijuana alternatives.. I have a friend that uses a few of these to ,ix amd get a hell of a buzz when you smoke it..
I would love to! But unforunately my seeds have fishied lol and I don't know where da weed is at :( Herbal smoke works though! I'm smoking a bowl of Black Diamond right now :D Nontheless, weed is always best! WORD. Haha...

I found a thread on here about it. It's by
hey guys, as we know many of us are on probation, parole, etc
many of us miss smokin bud, including myself
spice gold is one of, if not the best legal high out there, very comparable to weed itself

here is a recipe to make it

what you need.
4ML of 100% acetone
1GR of JWH-018
Acetone safe spray bottle
deep glass dish

take 1gr of jwh-018 and dissolve in 4ml of acetone, put the mixture into a spray bottle

now take 75 gr of damiana leaf, or blue lotus, your choice, and spread it in a deep glass bowl

spray the dissolved jwh in even amounts from middle to the outside all over the leaf
let evaporate and your left with 75GR of 15mg/gr smoke blend

NOTE: you only need 2mg of jwh to get a huge buzz, anything else is a WASTE!

you can be creative and add blue lotus, wild dagga, marshmellow
whatever you want. but 4oz of damiana is 7 dollars on ebay

the price for 75gr of homemade spice gold?
around 152.00
making it 2 dollars a gram
or 7 dollars per 8th

spice gold is 60 an eighth!!

you can also add Mint extract or vanilla to the acetone to give the damiana a nice smell
Here is his link, back to his thread!

I should check this out. My man can't smoke bc of random testing!X!


Eww! It has acetone :P?

Yep folks, this stuff cannot ever surpass marijuanas natural qualities or vast delicacies :)
acetone is an organic solvent that evaporates quickly and cleanly.... if you're that worried about "trace amounts", you shouldnt use lighters or matches to light your bowl ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude, I just read the ingredient list on a dairy blend orange juice bottle, and that had more dangerous shit in (did you know bananas and many other fuit contain acetone?), but seriously, just get some seeds, grow em quietly and sectretly without telling anyone, and stop smokeing that weird shit, noone knows what their long term effects are.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Eww! It has acetone :P?

Yep folks, this stuff cannot ever surpass marijuanas natural qualities or vast delicacies :)
acetone is an organic solvent that evaporates quickly and cleanly.... if you're that worried about "trace amounts", you shouldnt use lighters or matches to light your bowl ;)
Dude, I just read the ingredient list on a dairy blend orange juice bottle, and that had more dangerous shit in (did you know bananas and many other fuit contain acetone?), but seriously, just get some seeds, grow em quietly and sectretly without telling anyone, and stop smokeing that weird shit, noone knows what their long term effects are.

<3 these guys.

My opinion for the OP is JWH 018. I would recommend not using nearly as often as cannabis. It replicates effects VERY well of a good indica. Including munchies, red eyes, relaxation, stress releif and just being baked. It's really not good for anything but getting you high though, the creator actually said that.

I'd reccomend getting a mg (.001) scale, because a difference of a dose of 35mg rather than 5mg is HUGE. Your looking at getting 7x higher than you want to be LOL 25mg is pretty much tripping balls. I had some of the craziest CEVs on 25-30mg of jwh. Along with some interesting OEVs that are similar to high doses of cannabis edibles :D

I'd pretty much "make your own spice though" spray it on some type of leaf that you can smoke, and get a CLEAN piece. When I had some jwh I would just smoke it on top of a bowl of weed and be stoned for a good 2.5 hours.

The only thing I FOUND is that it gave me constipation/the shits after using a good amount. The shits passed after like a day of not smoking any. This is why I say don't smoke as often as cannabis, smoke it like once every day or two and I don't think you'll have any problems, smoke it 4 or 5 times a day and you'll probably be a little constipated (again the constipation was just ME, some uses may not have the same issues, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT)
It's organic and in friut? Uh that stuff stinks though... What was dangerous in it?

Yeah... everyone is different lol. That don't happen to me!


Active Member
Dude, I just read the ingredient list on a dairy blend orange juice bottle, and that had more dangerous shit in (did you know bananas and many other fuit contain acetone?), but seriously, just get some seeds, grow em quietly and sectretly without telling anyone, and stop smokeing that weird shit, noone knows what their long term effects are.
Ya those herbal smokes freak me the fuck out.. you dont know what can happen in the long term. you gotta a lotta time left on this planet dont waste the time you have left smoking something that can effect your health later on.


Well-Known Member
The only good thing in most of those mixes is the mullien on which they infuse all that crap, itsactualy a lung herb, and a pretty nice smoke (not active though).


Active Member
Dude you have probably used the word 'dagga' like 70 times by now which means you are probably in South Africa. And if you can't find weed in S.A then you souldn't be smoking at all. Every time I have been there (about nine times in all) I have managed to score some before even arriving at my hotel from the airport.


Well-Known Member
I don't even think we have those mixes here, you could buy the best chron known to afrika here for the price of that shit.