TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Well-Known Member
my bad bro, you know i feel like a parent to her also i was there at the begining when you were asking if you should toss her...


Weed Modifier
i would never...........:wall:.........i was more like defending why i was keeping her from the others who said to toss her! and i think you where one of them:-P charlie brown j/k bro all is good as we like to ras each other a bit here and there....and that's ok between buddies....hey!!!:bigjoint:

so you had a part in her name buddy!!! see you are a godfather!


Well-Known Member
dang so i had to go back in the archives on that one.. i remember talking to you about her on a different thread (maybe mine), but looks like i waited till lucky 69 to join your thread... you were #1 on mine but i like my # better!!!

godfather!! lol


Weed Modifier
dang so i had to go back in the archives on that one.. i remember talking to you about her on a different thread (maybe mine), but looks like i waited till lucky 69 to join your thread... you were #1 on mine but i like my # better!!!

godfather!! lol
ok you win this time bro!

and yah you are always peeking in on her and you helped name her..... so....Hell yah!

And.... Charlie has a:leaf: little angel:leaf: in the Humidome right as we speak! well as i

just clipped her and now Charlie is beside Ww....chillin under the canopy of Ww...very pretty to see! I'm getting excited now!!! I think I'll just throw charlie into flower now!!!:weed: need the room for the little


Well-Known Member
Hey lime how's it going I should really lear to keep an eye on you and reggae lol I always seem to miss something lol charlie is looking amazing man!! Man I'm really starting to fully believe this positive vibe shit :D


Weed Modifier
pretty good! been busy with everything....never stops now. yah you do need to keep better watch on us as we tend to get a little cocky without you keeping us inline.:-P

Thank you rene....:bigjoint:as i try and always have! Why else would she look like this??? i have stated this from the first few post im sure??? Careful it can Spread!

It's Just a thought...Really.... i mean she is not that big only 14" but she is beautiful now:weed: little love can go along way....and + thinking def helps! why else do you think im so positive all the time i laugh at the first pics still!!!:wall:lmao......

How's everything on your end? harvesting yet?


Well-Known Member
Yes yes you boys do get out of line lol eh well buds are really small on purple lights won't produce much I really want to keep that one trying to figure out my options didn't harvest today they can have a few more days :)


Well-Known Member
Haha had to share this with you..had chinese open fortune cookies say to have joy one must spread it....very true! Fit with the positive vibes imo


Well-Known Member
hey guys what it be like?? thats fantastic lime charlie and here little angel how touching!!!

and lol rene, yea we had a little fun at your expence last night.. but thats only cause we were trying to pull you out of your shell!!! looks like it worked, your hear!!!

wow!! and i also noticed you posted on my thread, altho i havnt been there to see what sinister things you had to say... lol


Weed Modifier
what's with all the purple lately... lmao

how is everyone??? im beat...i was up all last night...tending to the bad you missed out on the topic of the

angel is a bit droopy today:sad:...hoping it is just a temporary thing?
gonna put her in a 18/6...should help i hope...we'll see!


Well-Known Member
shell be fine lime i have nothing but faith... im exhausted to bro worked in the lab all day...
almost done tho nothing but cleaning and digging up a little rock slide...


Well-Known Member
Lime is always stunning people :D and hey reggae sinister things hmm you don't know what that is yet lol!! So the purple lady well bud sites are tiny she had some hell I don't even feel its worth chopping :(


Weed Modifier
:) still baffling people lime? :P
It baffles me too!!! that is why i started this thread........ and not giving up, by tossing her....I would have lost this strain? but now i don't need to ask can it survive! I got to see it happen with my eyes, to show what positive thinking can do and i got to see the results!!! Maybe no record breaker....but the true test will come when im smoking her!!!

laughing at all the doubters that thought this Miracle was Toast....just goes to show what can happen!!! not that i would ever tell someone to topping a seedling as that is crazy talk!!! But shows how resilient Mj can really be....Well....Maybe I had some part in it too!!! lol

Rene----then let it go longer???


Well-Known Member
Well thing is its ready it just didn't produce much have 90% hairs turned and 50/50 trichs amber cloudy..any ideas??


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah of course I smoke too much remember this one is my personal :D but I didn't clone and want the genetics :( *tears*