Progress Report...just to see how I'm doing.


Active Member
Just wanted to see if this is where I should be at with a 4 week old plant from when it broke the soil. It looks a little bushy to me, but i guess that's a good thing because I have limited space. I topped it about a week and a half ago and started flowering about a week ago. I'm using about 90 watts of CFLs. All comments are greatly appreciated...




Active Member
Oh cool!! That's awesome, being my first grow I'm surprised that everything is so easy. I thought people were gonna say it's stubby for 4 weeks. Thanks 420!


Active Member
Looks good, keep up the good work. What strain? Anything particular? Plus Rep for sure!


Active Member
It's actually a bagseed I got from a sack of dank was the only seed in a whole half oz of bud. And I was like it's a sign from the ganja gods telling me to grow so I said screw it, now here I am. I was told that the strain it came from was Grapefruit x Sour D. But you can never really no for sure where I live...people make up names just to make a sell. So basically I just know it looks indica.


Active Member
Update on my first grow for anyone who cares...

Below is the same girl posted above at 21 days into flower. She's growing up so fast...and she's starting to get a little smelly, but i think i'll be fine without a carbon filter or anything like that...she really only smells when you shake her or move her.

And i also have another girl in this grow now...i started a seedling at 12/12 when i changed my lights for my original plant. I will post pics once the lights come on tomorrow mornin.

