Okay, I've got to give my .02 on this one.
First of all, there isn't anyone posting on this forum that hasn't benefitted from the scientific use of animals, period. Maybe they can test stuff on plants but would you use it knowing that? I doubt it. until they grow plants with hearts, eyes, brains, etc I think it riduculous to test on plant life rather than animals. Further more, what about the poor poor plants? Do you not care about their lives? Are they worth less than animal lives? Easy to get caught up in the catch 22 on this one.
Nat, you are a cool ass cat but anyone who values anything, including animal life, more than human life, has a poor set of priorities, PETA, IMHO. In the right set of circumstances I believe you would change your tune with a quickness. For example.
How many people are walking this earth with pacemakers and heart transplants and liver transplants and well you get the point. Do you think these procedures were perfected on humans? Do you think the first heart transplant was human? Hell no it was a pig. Was that guy a 'Mad Scientist' at the time? Maybe. But I doubt the people who are benefitting from his RESEARCH would say so.
Can you honestly tell me you'd rather die than take advatage of these advances in science that came at the expense of the poor poor animals? I seriously doubt it and it's easy to say now, but being in that position, you will do anything to survive.
Maybe because it's a monkey and the head, is that why it's so personal to you guys? Would you be alright with this mad scientist transplanting an ape arm onto a man who lost his in a factory? There are people with baboon hearts, right?
Bottom line:
If you want to make an omelett you are GOING TO HAVE TO BREAK SOME EGGS.