1Puff2Puff3Puff's hydro/soil Grow Journal, (Finally did it!!)


Well-Known Member
Wednesday is week 10, i really hate those ones that are out of control, i am thinking of harvesting them in a week and just giving my bb and bagseed a little more time. So i will pull the 2 bitches Friday and hit the others with 1 more nute hit. Then in that 3 weeks they can suck up more light without the others blocking the way.... or should i just keep them too, ahhhhhhh i dont know what to do....

I suppose it's personal preference, but if they were mine I would let them go 2 1/2-3 wks...How long have they been in flower already?


Well-Known Member
Wednesday is week 10, i really hate those ones that are out of control, i am thinking of harvesting them in a week and just giving my bb and bagseed a little more time. So i will pull the 2 bitches Friday and hit the others with 1 more nute hit. Then in that 3 weeks they can suck up more light without the others blocking the way.... or should i just keep them too, ahhhhhhh i dont know what to do....
LoL That is a tough one...I'd probably pull them if they are blocking out light....And then you'll have something to smoke on while your waiting for the others to dry.


Well-Known Member
Yea, alot to consider... How is it going with your Bubbl? I got to try her again waiting on some Nirvana seeds now....
Bubblicious doing badly, damn tap water fluctuates like crazy. I mean just a little bit (and i mean a little bit) of pH up or down would cause changes of 6-7 points.

I think it's causing my plants to fuck up, damn water when it hits the soil changes it's pH again.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Yea dude, you have to use spring or distilled water for soil grow, it has the perfect ph around 6.5. And for your hydro garden RO water is best with around a 5.8 ph. Tap water sux cause the clorine/floride they put in the water ( i think its just so you cant grow) but you use this water and i garuntee no more ph prob for ya. I prefer spring over the distilled

Bubblicious doing badly, damn tap water fluctuates like crazy. I mean just a little bit (and i mean a little bit) of pH up or down would cause changes of 6-7 points.

I think it's causing my plants to fuck up, damn water when it hits the soil changes it's pH again.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Well i desided to go atleast 2 more weeks. I hit my bagseed with a load of nutes for the last time just now. I will pull my skunk bitches Friday or Saturday and lower my light, how close can a 600w be? Then i will hit my blueberry with her last load of nutes, i cant wait to get the light on all those little cola babies, so this weekend those bitches will be my first harvest (GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!). My bagseed babies are doing good, I should have water them yesterday, so they got kinda dry and droopy but are purking up more and more.



Well-Known Member
Looks good...Put the back of your hand to the light and move it closer to the light until you feel heat. It should be an inch or two higher than the point where you feel heat.


Well-Known Member
looking good girl !!!

you need to wrap the clear cups with something to block the light to the roots....now !! duct tape, black tap, paper.........roots do not like light and the soil can grow algae from this.

i can see roots every where.....just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
Wow, didnt know that, i can seed kind greenish color in there already, wow thanks alot, i will get some dark colr cups tomorrow and just put the clear cups inside, taping is probly better...

Again, Thank!!!!


Well-Known Member
your welcome. i would just tape them for now.

trying to place in other cups would be hard to get good drainage (keeping drain holes in line). i just use the blue or red 16oz party cups.



Well-Known Member
You dont know how much i apprieciate it, I was going to do my Nirvana seed the same way. I would have had all types of problems... Learn something new every grow!!

+Rep for you!!!

your welcome. i would just tape them for now.

trying to place in other cups would be hard to get good drainage (keeping drain holes in line). i just use the blue or red 16oz party cups.



Well-Known Member
I got 4 - 5gal bags w/ pressing screen. I am still waiting on my Nirvana seed i ordered 01/12, does it typically take this long?. I also have a grinder, pollen press( is this used to make oil?), ph meter & ppm meter all on the way.



Well-Known Member
Well tonight i havested the bitches. One was alot bigger than the other and had alot more bud (if thats what you can call em). So i cut down the first hung it in the back row, then cut down the second hung in front with an oscilating fan on them. Again these are strickly for hash and some cooking (thinking about the drops, but reviews arent sounding so great) I really believe these plants are lame, they have alot of 1 leaf... leaves and like i said before hair only no real but sites, so i will hang them for about 5 days, freeze em for about 2 more then bubble bags em up!!!. So now its just bag seed and bb now, I will add some nutes (last one) to the bb (already did the bagseed) and lower my lights (need hubbys help). Bagseed babies looking good after a water only feeding. Added to my grow box, total of 3 105w , 1 cool white and 2 multi. Got my ppm meter today!!

And i am done for the night after i tighty up my room, so what do you all think???

