1Puff2Puff3Puff's hydro/soil Grow Journal, (Finally did it!!)


Well-Known Member
hellllll ya thank u i jus moved to a diff state and i dunno where to buy them its not like texas where the headshops head everything u needed. i miss getting cali buddd:neutral:.


Well-Known Member
Wellll, what been going on you ask... not much, my babies are getting big, i decided to harvest my 2 plants this weekend, i got my grinder and hash disk thingie, it even can with this little scraper. my skunk was dry so i cut it into small pieces and tomorrow i make my bubble hash, its like 10-12 oz of stem leaves and "buds". I got some of this GOOD SHIT called Purple Erkle, it was 7.5 grams for $100!!! Really good deal where i live!! Well thats it...

What do you think!?!



Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness! Seeing all that makes my smile and excited for you! Nice grinder, nice plants, nice bud, and awesome box of trimmings. Use that grinder EVERYTIME you smoke and in no time that collection tray will give you a nice topping to a joint and/or bowl.

Everything is looking superb, glad to see you wrapped those cups up as instructed.


Well-Known Member
Yea, and now that i have it gave my plants a boost or something, all have grown at least an inch, and they were a little droopy, not anymore........ MAN AGAIN...Thank you!!!


Well-Known Member
dam puff ur plants are luckin gooooooood i wanna smoke some bongsmilie
that purple erkle looks like the erkle that gets shipped to me from dallas, im gettin diesel tommrow from them wooo and lean:mrgreen:
do u wrap the cups with foil so no light gets thru no matter, im attempting 2 soil plants for mothers and i no not a damm thing about soil can u help me out pleaseeeee
like how many times do u water while in the cups and when should i transfer to way bigger pots thank uuuu



Well-Known Member
Well im new to this whole growing thing too, and i did start off in a hydro system , but have learned soil to be more forgiving and easier to grow in. Sublime, advised me that dark colored cups are best for growing in, cause the roots hate light and it will produce alge, so i cover my cups as best i could with the only tape. lol.. THANK AGAIN SUBLIME!! I water almost every 2 days, sometime they get droopy, but after a little water they perk right up, letting the soil dry out but not completely, as the roots will search for water with drier soil, and promote strong health root system, the trick is just finding how not to water too much or too little. I added a tsp of nutes per gallon when they were about a week, and do this every other feeding, dont pack the soil, leave it nice and loose so it can airate. I am going to keep mine in the cups till they sex then put then in 1 gal pots. From what i understand with soil, the least amount of transfers as possible cause it causes hermies, cause this stresses the plants. I like to use spring water with my soil cause the ph is 6.5 out of the bottle, just right for soil, RO is better for hydro with a 5.5 ph. Hope this helps, if i think of anything else i will let you know.....


Well-Known Member
Damn it man i lied, me and hubby decided another week, maybe two, we really want the couch lock, and after about a hour we decided the trinches are still cloudyb some are even clear, and i really want this to be the super duper!!!! I got to see amber, i want couch lock foreal!! So out to purchase some more reg to hold me over, dont want to smoke all my Purple Erkle......


Well-Known Member
looking good girl !!!

you need to wrap the clear cups with something to block the light to the roots....now !! duct tape, black tap, paper.........roots do not like light and the soil can grow algae from this.

i can see roots every where.....just trying to help.
i thought i helped too.........:cry:

those babys look great !! i think you are going to enjoy growing in soil...:weed:


Well-Known Member
i still love ya.....:mrgreen: cant wait to see all the hash you get. maybe i can try a piece via...smokeapic.com..:roll:


Well-Known Member
hahah reg dammmm i havent seen that in like a year jesus, im bout to go get some dank also to hold me self over:?, even tho its like ok chronic and i have to dry it out a lil other than that it taste like strawberrrrrys bongsmilie
wellll i cant wait to see updates puff:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Sup RUI!!! Well Thursday night i stayed up till 4AM making hash, and went to work at 6AM..... It turned out soooo goood, i am happy with the quality, not so much the yeild, after getting a scale i had 1lb and 6 oz of sticks (skinny ones only) all leaves, and my so called buds. I cut them in manageable pieces and started the process, i did 4 separte batches add less each time from 7 oz to 5 twice and 4 the last time. I ended up with 8 gram of high quality, 1/2 gram of mid and 1 & 1/2 of low. That high quality smokes soooo good, the taste and smoothness, taste like chewing on a pine needle. The high last about 4 hours very heady with a very slight body high, it make me feel like doing something!!! Others are about the same effect last about an hour or more, a couple balls on top of the purple, and i am BLOWN!!!! Havent been this high for a while, had a bowl i didint finish last night at like 6:00 this morning, (damn you can burn a pea sized ball 10 times, or more no joke) sprinkled a little purple on it and its 9:30AM and im still high, going to smoke again any way though!!! ITS SUPERBOWL WEEKEND!!!

Back to growing, i watered/feed my babies and i am now going to switch to BigMikes feeding schedule, feed x 3 then flush, i was feed, flushing, i also uped the nutes to 2 tsp per gal. One of them have already sexed, and its a girl!!! it the biggest one in there i can see 4 little pistils with hairs comming out... WOOOT!!!! Another week and i think i will start flower, maybe this weekend! I will get some pics of the girls when they wake up, checking the triches everyday, i know they are soooo close, also i will be cleaning my hydro rez today, to give my BB some really fresh water for the last week, its pretty merky in there ATM, also i split the main stem and bent it, but it seems to be doing fine, its has some support...

Well, let me know what you think!!!



Well-Known Member
dam i misss hash looks so gooey and so goooooood god i want some:evil:
looks like ur gonna have more beutiful babies in the works right after ur first harvest, what strains are those???



Well-Known Member
These babaies are bagseed form 4 different smokes, but i got them mixed so..... The one is already a girl, i am sooo surprised, already sexed, putting her into flower tonight and 5 others.

dam i misss hash looks so gooey and so goooooood god i want some:evil:
looks like ur gonna have more beutiful babies in the works right after ur first harvest, what strains are those???
