New to forums, 5th Grow


Hello everyone, I have a crick in my neck and back from sitting at this computer for the last 2 days solid soaking up all this great info. I don't know how much anyone wants to know about me so I will keep it short. Peace


Well-Known Member
heh.. I know what you mean.. I take midnight walks of 6-7 miles under the stars to keep moving!

Welcome! 2 days? will become 2 years quicker than you know!


Hey thanks! I've been doing this on my own by trial and error, I am growing for my own meds only, which I feel I have done successfully despite all the issues I have trying to keep them beautiful LOL. I have done my reading so I will loose some people right now... I am using MG and you can't talk me out of it. n'uff said about that. I would love input on others experiences as far as adjustments to make it optimal. I was in the thought that I needed a bit more N right before flower but (you're gonna laugh at me) last night I was reading the lighting thread, and all this time I've been using the wrong spectrum, hence the lack of foliage... husband in route for the right bulbs and another lesson learned.


Hey thanks! I've been doing this on my own by trial and error, I am growing for my own meds only, which I feel I have done successfully despite all the issues I have trying to keep them beautiful LOL. I have done my reading so I will loose some people right now... I am using MG and you can't talk me out of it. n'uff said about that. I would love input on others experiences as far as adjustments to make it optimal. I was in the thought that I needed a bit more N right before flower but (you're gonna laugh at me) last night I was reading the lighting thread, and all this time I've been using the wrong spectrum, hence the lack of foliage... husband in route for the right bulbs and another lesson learned.
nothing wrong with using the mg, though be prepared for all the people that are gonna try to convert you away from it.... we've alot of mg haters here :D
what are you using for your lighting?


nothing wrong with using the mg, though be prepared for all the people that are gonna try to convert you away from it.... we've alot of mg haters here :D
what are you using for your lighting?
I'm using fluorescent for veg. I checked them and they are wide spectrum, from what I've read they are the wrong ones.


the sun is wide spectrum lighting as well.... I wouldnt worry bout it. ;)
I seem to end up with no leaves at all left at the end of flower and I do not pull any off, I let them drop on their own. I took pics of the ones I have almost ready but they aint purty like what I see other people post.


I seem to end up with no leaves at all left at the end of flower and I do not pull any off, I let them drop on their own. I took pics of the ones I have almost ready but they aint purty like what I see other people post.
could need a boost of N, or maybe its too much P... I'm no expert, but you'll find plenty of em here.

OB 1

Active Member
Welcome to RIU! I hope your welcome thread does not go the way of MG vs. everyone... but it's not the worst thing... :)