Where To Order MG Seeds and Chems For Isa


New Member
i remember back in my high school days i made some stuff called lsa.....i ordered morning glory seeds in bulk, and wood(endentured) alcohol, and petroleum ether.
my recipe calls for 2000 grams of morning glory by the way, although i can cut it in half and use less mg seeds.....(you want an average of 10grams of seeds per hit)
iamshaman.com has pretty good prices on morning glory seeds, all are untreated. not to mention tons of other types of seeds, i've had good luck buying from them never had a single complaint about my orders.

edit:good bit cheeper than bouncing bear and your choice of 3 different types of morning glory
to order the seeds id go to bouncingbearbotanicals.com.

FUCK bouncing bear botanicals! If they are out of a product you orderd from them, they will send you something that looks similar and say it is the more expensive product.

I say this from experience. I always orderd the 20X standardized Salvia extract from iamshaman. However, their state made it illegal this year so they wont sell any. I followed a link to Bouncing bear botanicals and orderd the 10X standardized salvia extract. They sent some BLACK shit, I never even tried it, I just called them and asked what the hell they just sent me. I was told to keep the unknownX unstandardized salvia extracts(I orderd several grams) and that they would mail the right stuff.

10 days later I called and was told by John that I was RIGHT and they were out of stock. I had to wait until he recieved more of the product. 5 Days later I recieved the same shit, WTF is wrong with people.

It is safe to say I wouldn't buy anything from them, ever again. Who knows what the'll screw up next? :evil:
ive ordered salvia from bouncing bear but thats all ive ever gotten from them though.

think ill try out iamshaman. Ill also look around for you guys to see if i can find any cheaper ones as well.

anyone know a chemical company i can get petroleum ether or wood(endentured) alcohol from.
Ive never had any trouble with BBB sorry to hear so many people have shitty times with them guess Im lucky!
Ive never had any trouble with BBB sorry to hear so many people have shitty times with them guess Im lucky!

ive never had a bad experience with them but them again ive only placed small orders with them. however, im going to be placing BIG orders soon..... like 2000grams of seeds per batch, instead of making half sheets like i used to. (100 hits apeice)
for untreated seeds iamshaman has the best prices i could find. like i said i've made a few purchases from them and they've always gotten my orders right, and shipped quick. the used to give free salvia 10x too lol guess they don't do that anymore since the laws changed over there.
FUCK bouncing bear botanicals! If they are out of a product you orderd from them, they will send you something that looks similar and say it is the more expensive product.

I say this from experience. I always orderd the 20X standardized Salvia extract from iamshaman. However, their state made it illegal this year so they wont sell any. I followed a link to Bouncing bear botanicals and orderd the 10X standardized salvia extract. They sent some BLACK shit, I never even tried it, I just called them and asked what the hell they just sent me. I was told to keep the unknownX unstandardized salvia extracts(I orderd several grams) and that they would mail the right stuff.

10 days later I called and was told by John that I was RIGHT and they were out of stock. I had to wait until he recieved more of the product. 5 Days later I recieved the same shit, WTF is wrong with people.

It is safe to say I wouldn't buy anything from them, ever again. Who knows what the'll screw up next? :evil:
Try this guy he delivers. Herbal Eclectic Emporium, Herbal Eclectic Emporium
I get my seeds off ebay.
heavenly blue morning glory seeds, Gardening Plants, Religions, Spirituality items on eBay.com
most of them are untreated. keep in mind, a good dose for me is between 500-600 seeds. I'm 165 pounds. plus more if you're looking to extract it.

huh. dosent sond like their seeds are nearly as potent as to what i usesd to use,. i used 25grams of seeds per hit period for experienced users. non experienced i made theirs 15grams a hit for saftey.
I haven't done grams. I'm going by the iso extraction method, I had to use 600 seeds per dose. maybe seeds from other websites have a higher concentration of lsa. I'm not sure, I'm no expert. to be honest, I've only known about mg's for like, 4 years. and only started using them maybe 9 months ago.
although, it was an intense trip, I' d say equal to maybe, 45 minutes pre peak acid potency.
and one time, I shit myself in bed.
that was fucked up! My wife will never let me forget that.
we experimented with lower doses, I think 250 is the absolute lowest I would go. but 600 had me trippin balls for like, I dunno, 8 hours probably.
although, it was an intense trip, I' d say equal to maybe, 45 minutes pre peak acid potency.
and one time, I shit myself in bed.
that was fucked up! My wife will never let me forget that.
we experimented with lower doses, I think 250 is the absolute lowest I would go. but 600 had me trippin balls for like, I dunno, 8 hours probably.

why did you shit yourself?????
ive never shit myself because i was tripping:confused:
im confused....
were you eating seeds that didnt state as being non-treated or something?
dont think id let my spouse forget that one either.
lol well i know different strains have different potencies, check into that too and i think there are 4 or 5 that will fall in the area if what your looking for
ive ordered salvia from bouncing bear but thats all ive ever gotten from them though.

think ill try out iamshaman. Ill also look around for you guys to see if i can find any cheaper ones as well.

anyone know a chemical company i can get petroleum ether or wood(endentured) alcohol from.

get a case of starting fluid......and spary them one can at a time MAybe brake kleen look at the back of the cans for ether in it been awhile since i needed to do this......anyway spray the cans into a mason jar.......let i sit for no more than 3 minutes for the other chems to evaporate do another can and wait when done you'll have a shitload of pure ether.......goodluck
get a case of starting fluid......and spary them one can at a time MAybe brake kleen look at the back of the cans for ether in it been awhile since i needed to do this......anyway spray the cans into a mason jar.......let i sit for no more than 3 minutes for the other chems to evaporate do another can and wait when done you'll have a shitload of pure ether.......goodluck

my friend were you by chance doing this to make methamphetamines? Im not into that, anyone who is, and i want nothing to do with it.....
what i need is petroleum ether.....which is a petroleum product not and ether at all actually.:-|
the stuff smells kinda like gasoline, but when it evaporates it dosent leave any trace behind...you cant smell it after it has evaporated like you can gasoline. got me. and i could use some moonshine that i have as well instead of wood or indentured alcohol but i would rather use one of those 2 because im not sure if the shine i have is of a higher quality. it needs to be the purest form of alcohol that i can get and i think thats going to be indentured since its straight shine made to where you cant drink it.
any body here other than myself even done an lsa extraction? if you extract the lsa out of the seeds it is a LOT more potent as compared to just eating the things. And you dont shit like a bird with all those seeds coming out of your ass for 3 days afterwords. lol
my friend were you by chance doing this to make methamphetamines? Im not into that, anyone who is, and i want nothing to do with it.....
what i need is petroleum ether.....which is a petroleum product not and ether at all actually.:-|
the stuff smells kinda like gasoline, but when it evaporates it dosent leave any trace behind...you cant smell it after it has evaporated like you can gasoline. got me. and i could use some moonshine that i have as well instead of wood or indentured alcohol but i would rather use one of those 2 because im not sure if the shine i have is of a higher quality. it needs to be the purest form of alcohol that i can get and i think thats going to be indentured since its straight shine made to where you cant drink it.
any body here other than myself even done an lsa extraction? if you extract the lsa out of the seeds it is a LOT more potent as compared to just eating the things. And you dont shit like a bird with all those seeds coming out of your ass for 3 days afterwords. lol

Try using some 95% grain alcohol as a polar solvent and Naptha as a non-polar solvent. I wouldn't use denatured alcohol though!
Try using some 95% grain alcohol as a polar solvent and Naptha as a non-polar solvent. I wouldn't use denatured alcohol though!

i wouldent suggest using napatha. that shit has ALL kinds of trace elements from chemicals after you use this process with that stuff. I mean it works yes, but i dont put harmfull shit into other peoples bodies if i can prevent from doing so.
you may wanna consider stopping making drugs from chemicals in the hardware store. napatha is for CONSTRUCTION
no i am not a cook.......messed around withit in my teens.......i am white drug free....you feel me.....lol just thought i would try to help ya my bad